I open the front door and enter, I see my mother in the living room reading her 'LIFE' magazine. "Salutations, Ma." She looks up at me, "Hello Eddward," and resumes to reading, "did you have a good day at school?"


"That's good, sweet heart." She says, "Your Father is upstairs taking a nap so please be quiet." I nod and head up to my room. The label indicating the entry to my room is slightly peeling off. Oh well, any excuse to use my labeller.

Opening my door, I greet my fellow formicidaes (the scientific classification for 'ants') and hang my backpack on my door knob.

I grab the mini watering can from my desk and walk into the bathroom to fill it up. "Good afternoon, Jim! How are you feeling today?" Of course there's no response as I water him. I place the watering can back in its place once I've finished and find my labeller, printing a new tag for my bedroom door.

I kick my shoes off, take out my workbooks and quiz myself, seeing as I have nothing better to do.

What is the chemical formula for sugar? "Easy, C n(H 2O) n." I say to myself.

How is a sunset formed? "Scattering affects the color of the light coming from the sky, but the details determined by the wavelength of the light and the size of the particle. Molecules and small particles in the atmosphere change in the direction of light rays, causing them to scatter and resulting in colorful sunsets." Where are the hard ones?

Who came up with the solar system? A scientist named-

There's a loud knock at my door, it might be Ma. Moving from my desk, I instead open it to see my two best friends, "Hiya, Double D!" Eddy clamps his hands over Ed's mouth.

"Ed! Sshh! My father is sleeping. Did my mother not inform you?" I look between the two of them, "Yeah, but being this one you'd expect it from 'im, Sockhead."

I invite them in and shut the door behind them, "May I ask what has brought you here?" I ask, "I got awesome news, that's what." Ed and I sit ourselves down and give our attention to Eddy.

"I won 6 tickets to see Fall Out Boy!" He whisper-yells, Ed leaps up and bear-hugs Eddy, "Wow! How'd you do it, Eddy? How??"

"Yes, Eddy, how?..." I include, suspicion being visible in my voice.

"Get off me, numb-nut!" He pushes Ed off him and continues, "I won them off a radio show and you have to come."

"But Eddy, I only know two songs, it would be a waste for me to go." Eddy's jaw drops, "Double D, you are coming to this whether you like it or not, you're my best pal, consider this a payback for helping me with those scams when we were younger." He offers, "Now, we have two tickets each so you gotta bring someone. I'm bringing Nazz and Ed's bringing Rolf 'cause he doesn't wanna look after Sarah the whole time. You should bring Marie." He suggests, wiggling his eyebrows but obviously joking.

"No! I'm not bringing that vile woman... Hold on, aren't Kevin and Nazz in a relationship?" I've heard rumors of them being on and off but I'm sure they were still together?

"They broke up ages ago, Double D, haven't you been tuning in? Now's my chance!" Oh my. Kevin's single, I'm single, I know there is more of a possibility of the world's end than ever getting a chance with a gorgeous, popular and athletic guy like Kevin. Girls swoon over him and he has a new relationship every week, or so I've heard but - gosh, I'm rambling again, change the topic, Edd.

"When is this show?" Good question, I need to see if it doesn't collide with other schedules.

"Next week Friday." I search my desk draw for my log book and flip open to said date. Today's Thursday so I have 8 days to find a friend. There seems to be no plans and mother and father should allow me to go as it is not a school night. I jot the reminder down and return it to its original place.


Ed and Eddy stayed until 6:30pm, either reading comics or asking the most ridiculous questions. Once I had finished dinner, I washed up, brushed my teeth and wished my parents a goodnight sleep.

As I lay awake in bed, I can't help but wonder if Kevin has changed. I mean in looks and figure most certainly but, I've been observing him in the classes we have together and his attitude is one thing that's different. Nathan, or Nat, Goldberg has been flirting with me often too, and each time he does Kevin slaps him in the back of his head, glares at him and when he looks at me afterwards his expression softens. Could it be possible Kevin actually has feelings?


Hello my peeps and what is up??

OK I'm really, really sorry for the shitty update and the waiting time, but here is the shitty chapter 1!


Who Knew? (KevEdd Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ