"Oh okay what time is it?"

"Which is eleven fifty-nine. Now tweleve."

The ship appeared and selma and I got in line. "You may go on."

The captain let people on until he seens us.

"Y'all aren't on the list."

"Listen Bucket nerd, you know me." Selma says as he looks and nods his head.

"Oh yeah memory island?"

"My friend slash sister like name is Pashion."

"Hi." I waved.

"Aren't you married to-" his mouth got zipped up.

"What he tlkin bout?" I asked as we got on.

"Ant may know these people and said y'all are married." Selma played with her fingers as we went into a room.

"If he know these people then how he lost the memories?"

"I think he sent them to the island on purpose to hide them."

"That bitch."

"Luckily he can't get on the ship now."

"Why would he hide them?" I asked.

"Well to me to say-maybe-shit I don't even know."

"Well let's see how this map is." I told her.

"Okay." Selma took out the map.

"I know we're in a dark room and the map is like this because? And why it is a S?" I asked

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

"I know we're in a dark room and the map is like this because? And why it is a S?" I asked.

"One that's how the map is to reveal the true colors of it. Those boxes are memories that built up making a S so the S stands for subconscious. You can dream your memories or walk around in them. It's hard to wake up though."


"Yeah let's get some sleep and ant can't follow you now but if he asks say you're at home."

"Okay." I nodded and went onto the bed.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep....


I walked in and seen Ant laying down on the bed.


"What." He said.

"Can I lay next to you to talk?" I asked.

"Sure go ahead I guess." He said.

I walked towards him and laid next to him. I seen his eyes and mine meet up.

"Hi." I said.

"Hey." He says.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm just sorry for everything I did to you. I feel real guilty and horrible. Affecting you mentally and physically. I really am." He says.


"Lemme finish, I'm sorry for fuckin up everything you had and taking away all of your first and wished to experience it in a better way. Everything else I did to you. It's been years and I'm getting tired of all of this myself. I literally am. It's not gonna make you like or love me anyway. I'm apologize Pashion for theway I acted."

I was speechless and his eyes went gloomy like. "Come here." I opened my arms and he scooted closer and held me tight.

"I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear.

"It's been for years but I forgive you."

"Friends?" He said.

"Yeah." I nodded and seen him smile.

He laid on my stomach and hugged me.

Maybe he did changed....

No Dream This Time Folks!😝

He Actually Did Apologize! Wowzers!😱



Until Next Chapters....

Phantom Of Sexual Nightmares 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora