Ch. 14 - Twin Senses Are Tingling

Start from the beginning

She smiles briefly. "He's a really great guy, isn't he? God, he probably thinks I'm a nut-case!"

"Keep this on the down-low, but I think there's a good chance he can look over the whole nut-case thing," I whisper and give her a quick wink. "Let's just hope Elliott doesn't kill him before he comes back with a marker."

Addison's eyes widen in horror. "You told him?"

I open my mouth, completely forgetting that Addison didn't want Elliott to find out. "Uh, it slipped. I'm sorry. He was yelling at me and I defended myself by saying your boyfriend called and-and I'm dumb and I'll be your slave for like the rest of the time I'm working for your family and I can-"

"Ivy, stop. It's okay," she sighs. "Was he mad?"

"He punched a wall."

She nods, chewing her bottom lip. "He's just being too protective. I can handle a boyfriend."

"I don't know, Addison," I admit with a shrug. "Look at what happened today."

I shouldn't have said that. Addison's face fell, her eyes saddened and her mouth in a frown. It just sort of fell out of my mouth before I could stop it. I know I shouldn't blame Addison for what happened today; it was my fault. I just worry and I can see where Elliott's coming from. A boyfriend is a roller coaster of emotions, one I'm not sure Addison can handle.

Stumbling back in, Mikey holds up a permanent marker. "I found one at the front desk! At first, the lady wouldn't let me take it. I told her that if she didn't let me have the marker then my girlfriend would die of heartbreak. She gave it to me."

"Can I sign it after you?" Crystal asks Mikey, tugging on his shirt sleeve.

"Sure," he says and starts writing a message on Addison's cast. "You know, guys, I'm feeling a little guilty for this broken leg."

"Why?" Ethan asks.

"Well, if you recall, the night we were watching High School Musical, I straight up told Addison, 'break a leg!' before her performance of Gotta Go My Own Way. I didn't mean it literally, Ad!"

The kids start cracking up, Addison with a small grin on her face. Even Jonas lets out a small laugh. I'm glad to hear their laughter, cute and light-hearted. As Mike goes on to share another story for Crystal, Ethan, and Addison, I go back out to the waiting room.

Elliott is slumped in one of the chairs, his head resting on his hand. Nora is on her phone, across from Elliott. I take a seat next to Elliott, a daring and possibly stupid decision.

"Why aren't you with Addison?"

He lifts his head to look at me. "I don't really like seeing my younger sister in a hospital bed with stitches and a broken leg."

I nod, noting the harsh tone of his voice. He must still be blaming me as much as I blame myself. "Have you called your mom?"

"Yeah," he answers. "She started freaking out when I told her about the crash, but I lied and said we were all fine. She said she'll call the house tonight. If I had told her the truth, she'd be on a plane home right now. The starving orphans need her more."

"I'm so going to get fired," I mumble.

Out of the corner of my eye, I think I see Elliott smile. I'm not quite sure because before I can get a look the doctor approaches the two of us.

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