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Secret Plan
I've been thinking about this for a long time, but now I know its the time i should do it.
I already planned everything, everything that me and (y/n) will need on our trip.
Our small trip. A trip with no end.
I already bought the tickets and we'll be going soon. I can't wait. I already change my phone number and my emails, also hers, without her knowledge, of course. So no one can track us down, no one can join us. Cause this is between me, and her.

She's my everything. I wish she will understand... I wish she was old enough to understand that I love her. I love her more than anything. She's my life. But the good thing is, at that age, she's very innocent and pure... I wish she never grow up. I wish she will stay forever young.

But it's not like im going to kill her, duh. She must be mine, all mine, but that doesn't mean I should kill her... Right?

No, no, I won't harm her! I wont! I should hold myself... I should control myself...



Control yourself, Daichi... Control yourself... Okay, back to the plan.

So I was planning a very detailed escape route. We will go as far as we can. With all the money I have... With all the money, I can raised (y/n) properly. I'll start to find a small easy job, maybe. What can a 11 years old do? Hmm, kinda much, I assume.

Heh... This plan is going to be perfect... So there would nothing beside me, her, and our small little world.

You won't kill her, Daichi. Don't lose control.

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