Emotion over flow

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*Yumi POV*

I had to leave that hospital all the memories and seeing my best friend from my old job with a baby was just too much. I drove on tears in my eyes. I had hurt the one guy I loved so deeply twice not once but twice. "I'm so terrible!" I thought. I drove on with tears falling from my eyes. "I can't face him after hurting him so much. There's just no way" I said. I almost crashed but I swerved and stopped on a sidewalk. I dropped my head into my hands. "Yumi?" I heard Lucinda's voice say.

I looked out my car window and saw Lucinda standing there looking worried. "Oh.. Lucinda hi" I said wiping tears from my face and smiled. "Oh my God! Are you OK?" Lucinda said getting in my car. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm just fine" I said trying to sound convincing. "Lies" Lucinda said with a stern face. I lost control and broke down crying. Lucinda comforted me as I cried. Lucinda took control of my car and parked it in her garage and let me stay over at her place.

Her boyfriend looked at me in a familiar look. "I know you have been through something tonight but you look really familiar to me" he said. "How could you know her?" Lucinda asked. "My old job maybe" I said wiping my tears on a napkin. "What did you use to do Yumi? I have always been so curious" Lucinda said. They sat down next to me on their leather couch. "Do you watch porn?" I asked Lucinds's boyfriend. "I use to before meeting Lucy here" he said. "Thats where you might have seen me" I said.

"You were a porn star?" Lucinda asked. "Yes I was and I hated it" I said. "Oh? Wow I didn't know" Lucinda said. "Why did you hate it?" Lucinda's boyfriend asked. Lucinda looked at him like she was gonna slap him. "What it's sex and you get paid major bucks. I can't see the problem but I am a guy" he said. "Expected" me and Lucinda said in unison. "I hated it cause I couldn't have a relationship with another porn star who also wanted a relationship" I said. "Why couldn't you guys date?" Lucinda asked. "Cause my love was the best man of our race my old boss had and if I left he would have followed" I said. "And?" Lucinda's boyfriend asked. "And he couldn't afford to lose him" I said.

"Oh wow" Lucinda said. "Yeah" I said. "Why so upset tonight?" Lucinda continued. "I hit someone with my car tonight" I said. "Oh my God!" Lucinda said. "Yes the bad thing is I hit the very same guy I loved so much!" I said. "Oh my!" Lucinda's boyfriend said. "V shhs" Lucinda said. V looked at her with a consulting look. "I took him to the hospital and sat in the waiting room to hear of his condition. I called his close friend from his phone. He told me he was on his way. I didn't find out till before I left it was him" I said. "Why did you leave?" V asked. "Cause I hurt him too much to face him when he awoke" I said. "Understandable" Lucinda said. "Come on Lucy let's let your friend rest" V said. "OK. If you need anything just yell" Lucinda said. "Thanks Lucinda" I said hugging her. "Your welcome the remote is right there if you want to watch tv" Lucinda said leaving with V to their room. I didn't watch tv however I just went right to sleep.

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