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Adriana pov

After we had packed everything that we needed we spilt apart from Adreth and his family. We took a plane to get to where Rick said he had a friend that could help. Adreth and his family took a train I believe.

The plane ride was long and tiring but after getting coffee into my system I was ready for the journey to get to Rick's friend.

"How far is he Rick? We've been driving all morning." Achilles asked irritation was playing on his features and I knew the desert sun wasn't helping.
"Another 30 minutes tops." Rick promised.
I gave Achilles a peck on the lips and a reassuring smile.
"Just close your eyes and relax we'll be there soon." I instructed whipping away some of the beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
I pecked his lips and smiled before laying my head against the car.

Soon enough we was outside of what looked like a broken village.
"This is where he lives?" I asked throwing myself into Achilles arms so he could get me down. "Yeah." Rick answered as we made our way to the doors. Rick knocked politely which was so unlike him.
"Rick I think the heat has gone to your head. Since when have you ever knocked?" I asked crossing my arms. Rick looked over and stuck out his tongue in a childish manor before rolling his eyes and turning back around. The door was opened by a man with dark skin who was wearing an eyepatch. Upon seeing Rick his eyes widen before he quickly slammed and locked the door.
"He definitely remembers you." Evie snickered.
"He hasn't turn me down yet." Rick told her taking out his gun and shooting the lock before kicking the door in.
"Your not a settle man." I called out pulling Achilles along with me.
"We don't have time for Seattle. Jonathan go get our bags." Rick ordered. I looked around confused as in why he had a gate wall if everything else was out in the open.
"What..." Evie questioned seeing a man in a tub.
"What type of friend does Rick have?" I asked to myself.
"Last time I got shot in the ass I'm still mourning for my ass." The man yelled.
"When you're with O'connell you'll always get shot in the ass!" Achilles yelled before he laughed. I chuckled but roll my eyes at him.
"Are you laughing at me?" Achilles asked amused as he looked down at me lovingly. I nodded snaking my arms around his neck.
"You're an oasis in a desert." He said making me giggle at his cheesiness.
"You're a sight for sore eyes." I teased kissing his cheek.
Achilles grin at me pulling me closer.
"I love you." He tells me making my smile grow.
"I love you too." I whispered against his lips as he slowly kissed me.
The sound of horse made him break the kiss as he turned to his the 12 tribe leaders Terrence Lana and Adreth's wife.
"Theses are the the 12 Medjai commanders they will be following us incase of a battle."" Adreth stated stealing glances over at me.

"And this is Horus he will let the commanders know where we are." Adreth said holding out his arm. Soon his pet bird landed on his arm.
"Ah nice bird." Jonathan complemented.
"His my most  trusted friend." Adreth told Jonathan making Achilles chuckle under his breath. His actions didn't go unnoticed as Terrence Adreth and his wife glared over at Achilles.
"Can you please get your childish husband under control." Terrence spat. I was about to speak but Achilles beat me to it.
"She doesn't have to do anything you tell or ask her to do. If you have a problem with what I do confront me and not my wife." Achilles scolded.
Terrence looked lost for words but wanted to say more.
"Come on." Achilles whispered pulling me away from them.
Once we was away I smiled sadly at Achilles.
"Calm down love." I whispered in his ear.
"Don't feed your soul bad energy." I added kissing his jaw.
"Adriana we are about to leave." Evie called out.
"Let's go."

Once we got to where everyone was I looked at the huge hot air balloon.
"This has to be a joke." I gasped sizing it up in disbelief.
"It's not." Izzi snapped as he boarded.
"It looks like a joke." I grumble as Achilles helped me. I nearly lost my balance when the wind picked up blowing the sand harshly off the ground.
"Sandstorm? It was just calm!" Izzi yelped as he took cover. Achilles covered me as he stood firmly in the sand.
The wind picked up stronger making Achilles loose his balance and fall to the ground.
I buried my face in the crook of his neck as I felt sand cover parts of my body.
Suddenly the wind stopped making me look up wondering what happened only to see
"Imhotep." I sneered glaring at him. Because of him my beloved nephew could be hurt. I hate him so much.
"A new lover?" Imhotep asked shaking his head and tis tis tis-ing at me.
"He is my husband." I hissed getting off of Achilles who stood up next to me.
"Greek?" Imhotep asked.
I glared at him not seeing why I had to answer his questions.
"Why are you here?" I spat.
"For you of course." He smirked.
He still wanted me after all of what happened.
"What is it with you and married women?" Evie spoked up. Imhotep glared and hissed at her before he took out a scroll of papyrus and began reading an ancient spell all while focusing on me.
I felt light as air but it also felt like I was suffocating. I could understand what was going on. My mind was tingling and my feet was moving by themselves towards Imhotep.
Achilles pulled me back many times but the need to be near Imhotep was far to great causing me to fight against him. Even Rick tried to stop me and know how I fight he deflected most of my attacks and pushed me on the ground but yet the need to be near Imhotep was far to great.
"He is charming her!" Evie yelled taking  out one of her ancient spell books.
"He is making her fall in love with him." I heard her say once I managed to trip Rick and knock Achilles back down. With out wasting time I ran towards Imhotep's open arms and threw myself at him satisfied that I was in his embrace even though he was still a corpse.
"Imhotep." I said in a breathless whisper as I snuggled myself against him.
"Finally." Imhotep smirked. Deep down I was glaring at him and what he was making me do.
"You will obey me." Imhotep ordered. I bowed my head in submission against my will.
"Discard of that symbol of your marriage you no longer belong to him." Imhotep ordered. Against my will I took off my wedding ring.
Imhotep nodded pleased before casting another spell this one knocking me out.

Authors: sooooo Adriana and Imhotep are together even though he used a spell... please give me feed back about what you think!!!

The Queen and her One man army.(Sequel to the risen one woman army)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara