Chapter 21

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Draco stood scanning the platform for familiar blue eyes and black hair. "Son, we're leaving. I trust you can tend to yourself?" Lucius Malfoy's voice rang throughout his ears.

"Indeed Father, I can tend to myself." Draco responded. Lucius nodded and disappeared.

"I think someones waiting for you." His mother hinted with a smile, motioning behind her lovestruck son. "I love you, I'll see you during Christmas."

"I love you too." Then Nacrissa disappeared. Draco quickly turned to face the familiar eyes he was searching for.

"You know despite the circumstances your mother and I met on, I quite like her. Not as much as I like you though." She teased, causing Draco to smile wide.

"You're something else Elara Snape." He said shaking his head.

"Draco, it's Elara Dumbledore. Severus Snape may be my father, but my mother was a Dumbledore when I was born, so I took her name." Elara confided as they boarded the Hogwarts Express.

"How come it didn't change once they got married?" Draco asked curiously.

"Protection reasons. Nobody would dare mess a Dumbledore." She answered with a smirk.



Draco sat a crossed from Elara, due to the whole school. Minus first years. Knew that they were together. Ron being one of the ones waiting for the moment Draco breaks Elara heart, so he can fly and in and save her.

But they're never being that point, Draco will never leave Elara. He was in love with her. He wanted to marrier her. He could picture the rest of his life, her being at his side. Only if plans didn't change.

"Wait outside love, I'll catch up to you." Draco whispered in Elara ear.

She nodded her head and he kissed her check. She slowly walked out, being the last one. Other than him. To leave the cart. She turned and watched all the blinds closed. Worried filled her mind, a feeling filled her stomach as she slowly started to walk away.

She had no choice, but to go join the others. She watched impatiently for her boyfriend to walk into the room. She listened to her grandfather speak. In the middle of his speech, Draco snuck into the room. Only three out all the people in the room saw him walk in.

Elara looked at Draco with worry in her eyes. He kindly smiled at her and she lightly nodded her head. She sadly smiled and his heart filled with worry.


They days slowly went by and Draco slowly and slowly stopped talking to Elara. It was slowly killing him when he looked at her and he could see the sadness and pain in her eyes. It killed him even more knowing it was killing her.

Latter that day, he tracked Elara down and pulled her up to the bell tower.

"Let go of me." The words burned as they came out of her mouth.

"Elara please, you have to forgive me." She looked at him in pain.

"Forgive you? Forgive you? You stopped talking to me! It was, it is killing me! Draco, it's tearing me apart from the inside out!"

Tears came to her eyes. He hurt seeing her cry, he was supposed to stop her crying not cause it.

"You're killing me Draco Malfoy!" She almost screamed.

He pulled her into his arms and crashed his lips into her. They moved in perfect sync as she just melted in his arms. All her anger was gone, but all the sadness was still there. But Draco was going to make that sadness go away.

"I love you Elara, nothing will change that. But you're going to hate me, you'll never forgive me. Please, please don't hate me." He cried, holding her face in his hands.

"Draco, you're scaring me." She said in fear, tears came back to her eyes.

"He, he's making me kill you're grandfather." She started to gasp for air.

"No, no, no." Her voice cracked as her legs have out from under her.

He caught her, slowly falling to the ground with her. He held her in his arms, she hid his face in his chest as she cried. He ran is hand through her hair, in hopes to help calm her down.

"Please, Draco, you can't. Please." She begged, looking at him with red eyes.

"I'll have to, he'll hurt me. Then you."

She hid her face in the crock of his neck. He kissed the top of her head.

"Please, don't hate me." He begged.

She forced to look up at him and laid her hand in his cheek. He looked at her in pain and she lightly shook her head. She pulled his lips to hers. Trying to take away her and his pain
She felt safe with him, she didn't want him to be in pain. She wanted to make him happy.

"I can never hate you. I love you Draco, I never want to lose you." She pulled his lips back to her.

After missing them for what felt like a lifetime. She wanted to kiss them as long as she could.

"You can't tell anyone I told you." Draco whispered. "It hurt me enough to keep this secret from you. I can't let anyone else find out." Elara nodded her head.

"I promise, but you have to promise me this."


"You have to be there for me, I don't know what my powers will do to me." She looked at him in fear.

"Always." He whispered those oh so familiar words.

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