'Yeah, pork, bacon, the pig deal.'

'Sure, let me hook it up for you.' He pulls out a cabinet, storing a whole bunch of meat.

'Oh, my... That's nasty.'

'Mm. Can I get the basket?'

'Oh, yeah, sure.' I hand him the basket and he starts filling it up with all the pig meat.


'Thanks, Winston.' I try to keep the meat away from me as much as possible.

'No worries, Ax. Sadly, you're gonna have to work here in a couple more days.'

'Oh, God, please, no.'

'Chill, I'll only ask you to feed the animals and lead them into the hut.'

'Oh, thank God. Thanks Winston.'

'No worries, Ax.' I see Winston as like the older brother I never had. He would be so kind to me.


'I have the meat... I think?'

'Oh my God, what did Winston do to it?'

'I don't even wanna know.' I quickly drop the basket off on the counter-top and I wash my hands with the soap.

'Alright, so first, we're gonna cook the steak. You know how to cook, right?'

'Yeah, of course!' I grab some strips of the bacon and cook it on the frypan.

'Hey, Fry?'


'I'm cooking this bacon on you.'

'Grow up, Ax.'

'No, can do.' Frypan groans and he resumes cooking his part of the pork.

'Wait, so what are we cooking?'

'We're cooking pizza!'

'What type?'

'W-What do you mean, w-what t-t-type?'

'FRY! You're supposed to be a cook, and you don't know that there are different types of pizza?'



We ended up making Hawaiian Pizza, with pineapple harvested from the Track-Hoes.


Next up, I had to switch over to a Slicer. Luckily, Winston kept his word and all I had to do was feed the animals and make sure they're well looked after.

Multiple times, some of the animals tried to escape. The chickens, especially, kept on running towards the Track-Hoes because they had bags of seeds over there. Luckily, that only happened 3 times. Newt would always catch them and hand them back to me.

Once, a chicken went into the Maze and I couldn't go in, but luckily, since it was almost closing, Minho found the chicken and brought him back.


Then, my last and final job was being a Runner. Since I shared a room with Minho, he would always wake me up. Sometimes I wonder how he wakes up at around the same time, every single damn day.

'Ax, wake up.' I wake up to Minho shaking me slightly.

'Again, with these damn nightmares.' I sit up from my bed and rub my head.

'Didn't Clint and Jeff send you a bit of medication for your headaches?'

'Oh, yeah...' I take a glass of water and swallow the pill. After 5 minutes of changing and grabbing my supplies, the headache finally faded away.

'Oh, geez, finally.'

'So, you're still running with me.'

'Well, duh. Wouldn't wanna get killed on my first couple of days on the job, especially with you around.' Out of the corner of my eye, I see Minho blushing a bit.

He doesn't like you, Axura. 

'Well, then, let's go.'


After those weeks of trying out jobs, I was employed a Runner along with Thomas and we both high-fived.

Another incident happened. I came back from running and started mapping my section out. The doors were about to close and Minho and Alby weren't back yet. I was running partners with Thomas, so we both got back at about the same time.

We arrived at one of the entrances of the Maze doors, and we see a big crowd forming.

'They're not back yet. I don't get it, they should be back by now.' I hear Newt mumbling. At the end of the corridor, I see Minho carrying Alby, before the doors were about to close.

'There, I see them!' Chuck yells out. The whole Glade were yelling out encouragements for them to get out of there. No one survives a night in the Maze.

Just before the doors closed, Thomas and I ran for Minho and Alby. Multiple people including Newt, Chuck and Theresa almost held us back but we were already too far, and the doors closed behind us.

'Great. You just killed yourselves, shank.'

'I think you mean shanks.' I was right behind Thomas and apparently, Minho didn't see me.

'Ax?! Oh my God... Great. We're all dead.'

'Well, nice to see you too, shuck-face.' Thomas and I sassily remark at the same time.


In Wonderland

Mad Hatter

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