Chapter 6

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Again Maya isn't at school. That isn't the surprising part, though. Now Lucas isn't at school for the second day in a row. He's not even answering his texts. I'm even more nervous now. Two of my best friends are missing. I asked Farkle about it, and he didn't know anything.
"I don't know, Lucas isn't answering my texts either," he said, obviously nervous too. I decided to stop by Lucas' house after school with Farkle but only his parents were there.
"Hi, Mr. And Mrs. Friar," Farkle and I said almost simultaneously when the door was opened. They greeted us and let us inside.
"Is Lucas home?" I asked.
"No. I'm not sure where he is, actually." Mr. Friar said with a worried look on his face.
"Oh. Well did he happen to tell you anything about where he was going?" Farkle asked.
"He did say something about 'starting a new life' with this Maya girl. I have no clue where he said he was going, though. He just went on this long rant on how he's not a kid anymore. I guess I should've listened to him a bit more." Mr. Friar said with a distant look. His eyes seemed empty and cold. He stared blankly at the wall and said nothing for a while before I broke the silence.
"I think Farkle and I should get going, we have homework to do."
"Oh, ok, bye now,"
Farkle and I went to my house. We sat at the bay window for a while doing homework before getting bored and heading to Topanga's. It felt so much different without Maya and Lucas. I just hope they're okay.
"Do you think Maya and Lucas would really start a new life together, like in the middle of nowhere?" I said, not realizing I totally changed the subject.
"I'm not sure. I would totally do it if I was passionate enough about it, but I'm not sure about them," I looked down at my feet and didn't say anything for a while.
"You okay, Riley?" Farkle said, comforting me with a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, I just, I guess I hate feeling like its my fault, you know, that they left,"
"Sure, you yelled at Maya, but she knows you didn't mean it. She probably left so she wouldn't get in the way of you and Lucas,"
"If that's true, then why did Lucas leave?" We both fell silent. We both knew the answer to that question. Lucas loves Maya. They love each other. I can't do anything about that. It'll hurt, but there's nothing I can do.
I'll post chapter 7 when this gets 5 votes!💕

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