She's here!

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( knock knock )
Me: come in
Nurse: she is all cleaned up and ready to be fed.
Me: okay I think I'm ready for all that is swinging my way
Nurse: girl you better be because girls could get in a lot a mess
( laughing )
Nurse: so have you been reading books on how to feed and do all kinds of stuff ?
Me: well I have but I didn't really think that she would be so early and all so I really didn't get to none of the basic stuff.
Nurse: okay well she is gonna have to stay here for at least a month for her to get bigger so we can go head and help you get ready to get you where you need to be so we can start with the feeding.
Me: ok I think I'm ready.
Nurse: okay so you will have to feed from the bottle since she is a preemie so you are gonna need a small bottle ( pulls out a small bottle hands me the bottle )
Me: okay so what do I need now ?
Nurse: okay  so now I gonna give you some formula and a bottle of water should last a day to make the bottles and every day I gonna give you some bottles of water.
Me: okay so I was reading i might be wrong but since she is a preemie and you game me a small bottle it would be up to the 40z line and 2 scoops of the formula.
Nurse: did u say you was wrong for a first time mom you read more than the other teenage moms.
Me: omg I'm actually think I got this feeding part down.
Nurse: you really have so I'm gonna give you visitor time and then I'm gonna have to come get her
Me: ?
Nurse: she has to be hooked up to all the cord machines then by tommorow morning she will be in here for the whole day and it depend on the oz she ate if she can start staying in here.
Me: okay thank you.
Nurse: anytime

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