My beer came and I drank half of it in one drink.

"A little thirsty?" He asked laughing.

"It's been a while since I've had a beer," I said taking another drink.

"I can tell, but you didn't have a beer on your birthday?" He asked.

"Nope vodka. Vodka can do weird stuff to you," I said remembering not a lot from that night.

"What's the last thing you remember from that night," he asked me.

"It's remember slow dancing with you on the dance floor, you kissing me and us going and doing several rounds of shots. The next thing I remembered was waking up next to you the next morning. I got pretty wasted," I told him.

"Well it was your birthday. And your first day being legal so I don't blame you," he said.

"Ryan we're in Canada, I was legal three years ago. Now I'm legal in all fifty states," I smiled as our food arrived.

The waiter topped off our glasses, we'll just mine, and we dug in. I never felt more Canadian in my plaid, drinking a beer and eating a cheeseburger.

After we finished our meal we sat there just talking. It was perfect. Then that look crossed Ryan's face again.

I decided not to question it, so I downed my beer and when I set my glass down, there was a felt box where my plate was.

Before Ryan could say anything I belched very loudly.

"Whoops," I said.

"You're excused," he said laughing before continuing. "Lucy, the moment you walked into the Rogers Center last year, I wanted you. I wanted you so bad. I wanted nothing more than to call you mine. And then this year when Josh started teasing you about who you liked, and then when I found out that it was me you liked, my heart fluttered in my chest. Because I liked you too. And back then it was just a petty crush. But then the day I told everyone it was me you liked, wow I was such an ass, and then kissing you in your apartment, I knew you were the one for me. And then on your birthday, my God you were gorgeous,  I wanted nothing more than to hold you in my arms and tell you how much I love you. But I knew I couldn't. Then when we were both so wasted and we had sex, to be honest I was so happy that night, and that wasn't even the booze talking. Then when you got hurt, I wanted to do nothing but take care of you. And then you let me take care of you. Wholly crap you are just an amazing person, and instead of rambling on all night, I wanted to ask you a question. Will you officially be my girlfriend?"

I was hanging on to every word he said.

"Of course I will Ryan, I thought you'd never ask," I said feeling tears well in my eyes. He was perfect with words.

"Open the box," he told me.

I opened the box to a simple ring with a simple diamond and a heart on either side of the diamond.

"It's beautiful," I said slipping it onto my finger.

"It's glad you like it," he smiled. "Come on I want to go pay the bill."

We got up and Ryan paid the bill then he opened my door for me and we went back to my apartment.

But before we went into the apartment building, Ryan wanted a picture of me with my ring on.

My phone went off and I knew he put it on instagram.

We walked into my apartment and all five guys were asleep on my couch. Again.

I screamed really loudly and very high pitched and all of them woke up.

"What's wrong!" Russell said jumping up.

"Nothings wrong but nice Captain America boxers you goof," I said laughing.

"Well then why the fuck did you scream?" Donaldson asked.

"To wake you all up and it worked," I said turning off the playstation.

"Why did you wake us up," Thole groaned.

"Because you guys can go to your own apartments, mine is not your home. Go sleep in your own bed for once," I said channel surfing.

They all grumbled but got up. Ryan flopped on the couch.

"Why does he get to stay?" JD grumbled.

"Because he can," I said pointing to to door.

"Lucy!" Josh exclaimed grabbing my hand looking at my hand. "Did lover boy here propose!"

"He better not have he didn't ask me," Russell said.

"Calm your testosterone! It's just a promise ring! He asked me tonight to make it official so I did!" I told them.

"Congrats ma man! You gonna get laid tonight?" Josh joked.

Ryan's face turned a shade of red I didn't really know was possible for a human.

Then he whispered something in Josh's ear and his face lit up.

He left the apartment then I could hear him explode with laughter as he shut the door to his own apartment.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said trying to keep from laughing.

I just kind of looked at him before Russell decided to interject again.

"Ryan, you didn't even ask me man!" He exclaimed.

"Okay, would you think it'd be a problem if I asked Lucy to officially be my girlfriend?" He asked him.

"No not at all, but next time you gotta ask me," he said leaving.

I looked around and I seen that Thole and Bautista must've left right when I kicked them out.

"So it's official eh?" David asked.

"Yes," I said holding out my hand.

"Congrats you two, the way you guys act we all thought that you guys were official like last month," he told me.

"Nope. Today," I said curling into Ryan's side.


I woke up being carried to bed by Ryan.

"Bridal style eh?" I asked.

He jumped and almost dropped me.

"Jesus, you scared the crap out of me right there," he said putting me on our bed.

"Sorry," I said as he took his shirt off.

I unbuttoned my dress and flung it to the floor along with my leggings. I covered up before Ryan could see.

"Come here baby," he said pulling me close. I put my head on his chest and I could hear his heart betting erratically.

"Do I do that to you?" I asked him.

"Do what?"

"Make your heart flutter insanely like it is now? Because you do that to me," I said bringing his hand up to my chest.

"Yeah you do that to me," he said smiling.

I smiled then rested my head on his chest again. Ryan's arms snaked around me and I knew that he was the one for me.

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