Kylie nodded and Hailey spoke up, "But we also came to hang out so both of you shut up. I'm getting in the pool."

The two made their way inside to change and the three of us made our way back to the hot tub. I stayed silent as the two of them talked about things with Kylie's mom, when Kendall and Hailey returned they sat next to us and instantly started talking. 

"We haven't seen you two before, you live here?" Hailey asked without looking up from the drink that sat in her hands.

"For the summer, we're from Ohio. Met Kylie at a party the other night actually." I smiled at Kylie, realizing that we hadn't known each other for long at all but found it fairly easy to get along. 

Kendall nodded and began to make conversation with us, and quickly began to open up to us just like Kylie had. She told us about her modeling and how she was in town for a few months, on break. While looking down on at her phone Kylie spoke, "Let's take a picture, by the pool. I call posting it first too."

I sat on the edge of the pool, facing the water not wanting to completely face the camera. As everyone posed Kylie set her phone up on a timer and quickly got into her pose next to me and Kendall. Although she was rushed she still looked like she wasn't trying at all, all three of them did and for once so did Tessa and I. 

[Left to Right: Nadia, Kylie, Kendall, Tessa, Hailey]

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[Left to Right: Nadia, Kylie, Kendall, Tessa, Hailey]


"Damn, Nadie!" Hailey stood shocked as I wiped the alcohol from my mouth. 

Although, Kendall had scolded Kylie for her drinking earlier she was now encouraging it along with Hailey. Kylie shook her head at me, laughing all the while. Next to her Tessa poured each of us a new shot while talking out loud, "Let's make this interesting, pennies?"

Kylie's eyebrows raised while looking at Tessa, "What the hell is pennies?"

Looking back at her Tessa shook her head while looking offended, "You really are new to this whole drinking thing, huh? Well Jenner, it's a drinking game where we take turns trying to bounce a penny into a shot glass, if you miss you drink. And if you miss three times in a row you have to chug a beer."

Kylie nodded in agreement and quickly put on a competitive face. Getting a clean shot glass out she quickly put the Sky vodka that I previously took three shots of in it. 

"Youngest to oldest. Kylie you first, the Hailey, Kendall, Nadia, and me last." Tessa said allowing us to get into a line and watch Kylie intently. As she bounced the coin off the table we each grew silent. When the penny missed Kylie groaned, picking up the shot and then taking it. 

After three rounds we were each severely drunk, out drunkenness from before the game had only allowed Kendall to make the penny in once. Over the radio Jumpman blared and Kylie moved her hips to the music while yelling over it, "Nadia come dance with me."

I did as she said and left the table where the other three sat laughing, like the night of the party my hips moved with Kylie's. The music and alcohol mixed in my head and caused me to drown out the rest of the room. My mind quickly drifted to the night before in Justin's car. 

I could still vaguely feel his lips on mine and began to thirst for his hands to touch me again. Before my thoughts could continue and my mind to lose further connection with the world Kendall yelled my name, "Nadia!"

When I opened my eyes I was met by a smirking Kendall, "Do you hear Tessa? She dared you to jump in the pool naked. Said you wouldn't do it."

With my hips still moving I glared at Tessa who knew I hated dares, especially when I was drunk and didn't have the sense to turn them down. Letting her words get to me, I headed to the back yard with the four of them following closely behind. 

The pool was lite up like last night and the water looked even more cold than earlier in the day although I knew the pool was heated. 

Behind me they each watched me intently, "Well?"

I slowly began to take off the close that I had now had on for the past two days. Once they were completely off I covered my front with my hands, knowing that my ass was on full display to them. As I stood in front of the pool I looked down, shaking my head at this whole situation but being too drunk to make sense of it.

Tessa suddenly yelled at me, "Just jump in the fucking pool!"

Quickly, without overthinking it further I jumped in the pool. Landing in the water it was a lukewarm now causing me to shiver at all and when I finally came up from the water the others were bent over laughing.

"Tessa, you're a bitch for that! You know I'll do any dare when I fucking drunk!"

"Oh shut up, want me to come in with you?" When she yelled back and low voice answered with a chuckle, "The fuck are you guys doing?"

When we all turned to met the voice we were met by a laughing Justin who looked just as entertained as the girls had looked only seconds ago. I could quickly feel my face turning a warm, bright red.

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