~ Lime, Mango, trash, monks, and castles ~

Start from the beginning

"Hey, don't act like it's impossible." Emma smiled.

"Exactly, you're a coroner." Olivia laughed. "It's not like you're dead." Olivia looked down at her phone to see the time, and then at her sister. "We should get going."


The group of teenagers, besides Nina and Tyler, sat on a picnic table in the middle of the high school courtyard. Emma watched as Audrey walked into the school. "I thought Nina agreed to trash that video." Emma sighed.

"She was bound to come out sooner or later." Brooke stated as she sat on top of the table.

"What's the big deal?" Jake questioned. "So what if she's a lesbian?"

"The big deal is that it wasn't her decision to tell the world." Emma explained to him. Jake looked down at her hands. "Jake..."

"I wasn't the only one there last night. You should be looking at your sister." Jake sighed.

"Hey, I was the one who deleted the video." Olivia defended herself. "I felt bad."

"Yeah, after I kept nagging her to send it to PJ." Jake pushed Will's arm lightly. "Girl on girl is demographic."

"Riley?" Emma questioned her.

"Sorry, Zoe saw it on my phone."

"Do you guys even understand the term viral?" Emma scoffed as she spoke.

"I don't see Nina anywhere." Riley stated.

"Of course Nina did it." Olivia groaned as she looked around for her best friend. "She's a spoiled sociopath with no good judgment."

"She's probably ditching right now to avoid your good girl wrath." Brooke joked to Riley. "Em, your little friend will be fine."

"We're not really friends anymore."

"Just give it twenty four hours, alright?" Will smiled down at Emma. "Someone will probably text and then drive their truck into a tree. Then we'd have a new headline."

"Maybe Audrey will Taylor Swift her anger into inspiration for one of her little films." Brooke guessed.

"Emma, she'll be fine. Don't worry." Olivia took her sister's hand and smiled at her.


"Cavemen create fire." Mr. Branson stated as he wrote on the board. "That fire creates shadows, and those shadows create fear."

Brooke looked over at the new kid sitting in the back of the class, and then over at her three friends. "His name is Kieran Walcox. He just moved her from Atlanta." She told them.

"I thought you weren't into high school guys." Jake stated as he leaned closer towards her.

"No." She sighed. "That was just you."

"Brooke," Branson stated as he turned around, "would you please tell us with genre originated with the Castle of Otranto?"

Brooke cleared her throat before speaking. "The castle genre?" She guessed.

"The gothic genre." Kieran answered from the back.

"Thank you." Branson sighed before leaning against his desk. "Guys, I get it. No one wants to sit around all day reading dusty pages about monks, but no ones forcing you to watch The Walking Dead."

Jake smiled before raising his hand. "Is The Walking Dead gonna be on the midterm."

"Zombies aren't literature, Jake." Emma scoffed

"Why not?" Kieran asked her. "George Romero, Horace Walpole, it's all the same bones."

"Or the same rotting flesh." Branson smiled. "Kieran's right. Gothic genre is all over tv right now. You have American Horror Story, Bates Motel, Hannibal."

"What about Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Halloween?" Jake questioned.

"Uh, those are slasher movies." The kid, Noah, stated as he raised his hand. "You can't do a slasher movie as a TV series." Branson gave Noah the nod for him to give his explanation. "Well, think of it, the girl and her friends arrive at the dance, the camp, the deserted town, wherever. The killer gets them all one by one, and ninety minutes later, the sun comes up and surviver girl is sitting in the back of an ambulance watching as her friend's bodies are getting wheeled past her."

Noah continued on. "Slasher movies burn bright an fast. TV needs to stretch stuff out. You know, by when the first body is found, it's only a matter of time before the blood bath commences."

AN: This is sort of a long chapter? Anyways, I'm really enjoying writing this, and I hope you guys are enjoying reading it!

I was thinking about changing the love interest, but we'll see where the story leads. Please comment who you want Olivia to be with.

Thank you so much for reading. Have a nice day, lovelies 💞💞

Screaming To  Death ¥ Noah FosterWhere stories live. Discover now