Good new or bad news??

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"Summer, winter get your fucking fat arses down here now!" My father screamed at the top of his lungs. I start making my way downstairs when summer grabbed my arm and stopped me "winny let me go down first please I don't want him to hurt you anymore" she said sadly looking at the ground. I look at my arm and see all the black and blue bruises, fresh scars, cuts and scratches that her father had caused. I shake my head not wanting summer to go through the pain that I go through from our father, so I walk down the stairs Where he called us from. I walk around the corner and see our father sitting down in his chair with a class of scotch in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Our mother hated him smoking around us because it was a bad influence and wasn't healthy yet she didn't seem to care when he would hurt us. "Yes father?" I say sweetly automatically regretting it because I could smell the alcohol in his clothes and breath.

My father places his glass on the table then stands up and punches me. I let out a groan at the pain in my stomach, then he grabs me by the neck and pushes me up against the wall. "Your bitch of a mother wants to get a divorce and it's all your fucking fault." His speech slurred I was struggling to breath when I felt this burning sensation to my neck that I was all to familiar with. Cigarette burn. With the air I managed to get I yelped out in pain when I heard footsteps. "M-mum isn't a bitch and it isn't our fault she wants a divorce it's yours because you are a lousy father" summer stated for the first time she stood up for herself. The tightness around my neck loosened and I fell to the ground and a rush of air came into my lungs. My vision was a tad blurry but I saw our father running after summer.

With all my strength I got up and ran up to my bedroom and screamed for summer. Summer came running up the stairs to my bedroom I slammed the door shut and locked it. I dialled triple zero while hugging summer. "Hello you dialled triple zero how can I help you?" The lady asked calmly. "Hi my names winter and I need police to 27 poppyvale road please hurry." I said into the phone trying to comfort summer. "Ok sweetie what's wrong?" "I-it's my dad he is  trying to hurt us" I tried my best to stay calm for summer but I lost it. "It's going to be ok sweetie police are on their way just stay on the phone ok?. Are you with anyone winter?" "Yeah my twin sister she's with me" I heard my father shouting and banging on the bedroom door just then I heard police coming into the house and shouting. I was scared to have a look at the scene happening outside but after ten minutes I finally over came my fear when I unlocked the door and opened it. There were police everywhere I felt like a prisoner and I didn't like it one bit. Summer held onto my hand as we walked out, we were greeted by the police and my mother who came rushing to us. She had tear stains on her cheeks, her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying for what could have been hours.

" mum we tried to stop him but he kept coming" summer cried letting go of my hand and hugging our mother. My mother thought this would be the perfect time to be a mother and pulled me into the hug aswell. "It's ok baby, I know, your safe now I'm never going to let him touch you again" she said. This was utter bull shit. "You say that all the time!" I shouted pushing her away but she just hugged me tighter and whispered. "I know I say it a lot but this time I meant it baby we are moving to La that way he can't hurt you or me"."Wait you can't be serious we can't be moving I have friends here and winter has a boyfriend!" Summer stated. I can not believe she just said that. "Oh does she know I have never met this boyfriend of hers" mother said crossing her arms. "Yeah well that's cos your never home and besides he isn't my boyfriend he's just a guy... That's a friend... Who is cute.. Well he's my only friend" I say before running away.

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