Chapter 6

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Madelyn was browsing for new glasses. "Those would look good on you" Said the cashier. "I would like those then," said Madelyn. "How much will it cost?" She asked. "They are free," Said the cashier. "Thanks" exclaimed Madelyn. "That was strange, free glasses," thought Madelyn. "I wonder if Chanyeol is at the cafe," she thought. "Why am I thinking about him?" She thought. She went back to the cafe. She could not resist. She sat in the same place looking out the window. "This is stupid," thought Madelyn. "Ya!" A deep voice said. Madelyn saw Chanyeol waving at her, she couldn't help smiling at him. "You got new glasses, "I almost didn't recognize you," said Chanyeol as her sat down across from her. "They complement you," he said. "Thanks I know "said Madelyn as she flipped her playfully. "As your sunbaenim I should show you around," said Chanyeol. "Sure why not" she answered. Madelyn had a free day and might as well do something. "Great" said Chanyeol. He grabbed her hand and ran out the door again. When they were out on the street Madelyn said, "Ok warn me next time, when we are running somewhere." "Oh sorry" he said scratching his head shyly. He showed her fashion spots and historical sites. Finally, he said "I'm going to show you a secret place," Madelyn noticed he was serious."Ok let's go," Madelyn said curiously. They went through woods to a white gazebo."This is where I used to go, before I became a member of Exo" he said while sitting down. " I would come here to clear my mind or just get fresh air" he said while looking up. He closed his eyes and stretched out. He was clearly relaxed. "What stopped you from coming here?" Asked Madelyn. "Hectic schedules, you know, if I do get the chance it's quite rare," he said sitting up to look at her. The wind blew leaves in a whirlwind and there was silence. "How beautiful," he remarked. The wind blew again this time blowing leaves towards them. Madelyn breathed in and out " This is relaxing" she said. Chanyeol noticed a leaf got stuck in her hair. "You got a leaf in your hair "he chuckled. Madelyn turned to him slightly embarrassed. He plucked it out her hair. Their eyes met. They were close enough. Chanyeol ran his hand through her hair as he got close. Madelyn couldn't help to get closer too. Everything was moving in slow-motion as heat in their bodies would rise. Chanyeol could feel butterflies in the pit of his stomach. They inched closer, and closer. Then "Hug, Hug Hug me," Chanyeol' s phone went off. He quickly backed up and got text saying "Ready." Madelyn blinked twice and was lost. "What just happened," she thought. She pushed thoughts to the back if her head ignoring it completely. " I got another place to show you," Chanyeol exclaimed. "We are running," Chanyeol grabbed her hand and ran for the S.M. entertainment company.

They stopped at the destination. Madelyn was shocked. "This is..." she said. "Yep," he answered" S.M entertainment". They got to the Exo room. He opened the door," Surprise!" yelled Exo. "Happy Birthday!" D.O said as he put as crown on Madelyn head. "You shouldn't celebrate this alone," said Baekhyun as he put a crown on Chanyeol's head too. "Wow thanks," said Madelyn puzzled. She has been so busy with studies, she forgot about her own birthday. "How did you know about my birthday," she asked. "I saw it out on Kyung Hee's post." Chanyeol answered. Suho says "al duel set "then they blew candles at the same time. They blew the candles, but Chanyeol realizes how close they are then he blushes and moves quickly away. Madelyn was oblivious to this. However, Sehun noticed this and stepped in. He promised not to ruin Chanyeol's plan. "I didn't say anything about her, and the party is here " thought Sehun. "What are you thinking about "asked Xiumin. Xiumin was a suspicious man and knows Sehun to well. "Nothing "another easy lie told by Sehun. Lay put on Chanyeol's favorite song. Slow down, grab the wall, wiggle... Chanyeol whipped his head in the direction of the beat. "Come dance with me" said Chanyeol. "No thanks" said Madelyn. She wasn't much of a dancer especially to this type of music. Going outside to catch some air she noticed how pretty the night sky is. She leans on the balcony and sighs. "The sky sure is beautiful isn't it?" Said a voice from behind. Turning she sees that it is Sehun the youngest. "Yeah "said Madelyn lazily. "But it's not as beautiful as you...." He said. "Thanks," said Madelyn with a blank expression. Leaning on the balcony he said" I'm Sehun". I know who you are," said Madelyn dryly. "How we just met didn't we?" Glaring at him she was beginning to get irritated. "No need to get defensive it was just a joke. " he said. " What do you want?"asked Madelyn. " Just a simple chat" said Sehun. "Is something wrong?" He asked. " I just don't like noisy people" said Madelyn. "How stingy" thought Sehun forcing a smile. "Me neither, tell me, what's the difference between curiosity and being noisy?" Madelyn said nothing. "Well that's what the last foreigner Chanyeol met," asked me. "Last foreigner?" Asked Madelyn. "Yeah he always meets with foreign women. In his spare time that is's like a hobby for him I suppose." he said. "Hobby?" thought Madelyn. "You seem like the sort who be one of his lady-friends." I'm just his friend" said Madelyn or at least I thought I was "thought Madelyn. "That's what he would call them I guess." Said Sehun. "Now I don't think there is a difference between curiosity and obsession. Gas pedal Gas pedal the music bumped in the apartment. Chanyeol could be seen doing the whip with Suho and Xiumin. Madelyn was starting to leave. She didn't want to be some creeps foreign version of Pokémon and she was told to watch out for people like this. She left the party unnoticed.

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