Chapter 3

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Madelyn cleared her throat and sat down. A few kids and adults were staring at them and not just because Madelyn is a foreigner.The awkward handshakes are not really found in Korea. "What are you doing here in Korea?" Asked Chanyeol. Changing the subject was his specialty. "I don't know what are you doing here?" Asked Madelyn. "I asked you first" said Chanyeol playfully. Madelyn she doesn't usually give away information. This time she will make an exception. "I am here studying computer science,"said Madelyn. "Wow, where are you studying?" "Kyung Hee university,"said Madelyn. She was surprised at herself, not really knowing what came over her. "Kyung Hee!" said Chanyeol beaming. "I used to go there, you can call me sunbaenim. Maybe even Oppa." "Maybe not", said Madelyn bitterly. I studied Arts and Culture said Chanyeol boastingly "I'm pretty much an expert in that so...yeah," said Chanyeol while putting his hands behind his head. "This kid,"thought Madelyn. She couldn't see it but she was sure that he was bragging.They talked liked that for quite some time. Madelyn turned to the clock, it was all blurry which didn't help her tell the time. "Aw, man my head hurts," said Madelyn. "Probably because you haven't worn your glasses." said Chanyeol. "How did you know I wear glasses?" Asked Madelyn puzzled. "Well it takes one to know one," Said Chanyeol bluntly. "Plus, whenever you look at me your squinting very hard," said Chanyeol. Madelyn sank in her chair from embarrassment. Who knew she could be this obvious. "The time is 7:00 pm, if you're wondering," said Chanyeol chuckling. Madelyn shot up her seat. "7:00pm! Oh my gosh I'm going to be late!" Said Madelyn. "I don't know if a blind bat can get to where she's going on her own," said Chanyeol playfully. Madelyn furrowed her eyebrows. She knew where this is going. "I don't think it's hard walking to the university." Said Madelyn. "It would be hard if someone didn't know a secret shortcut," said Chanyeol persuasively. Madelyn didn't have a choice, and she couldn't afford to be late. "Oh, if only you knew someone who knew the secret passage way," Said Chanyeol. He looked like he could burst from excitement in any moment. "And who might know the secret passage way," said Madelyn. She couldn't believe she was saying those words. "Why I am I talking to him?" Thought Madelyn. "This was not part of the plan. Don't let friends or distractions get in the- "Come on!"said Chanyeol cheerfully. He quickly stood up and grabbed her by the hand and ran out the door. I cold caramel cappuccino was left behind.

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