Suck My Duck

103 2 34

What the hell is this. Thanks amourashby I'm going to go cry now.

1. Must put all the rules
2. tag 13 people
3. answer all 13 questions
4. Think of creative name
5. Don't skip
6. Tag backs allowed
7. Must be in chapter not in comments.

1: What's your favorite thing to do?

I have tons of hobbies. Writing obviously, and editing are super fun, but I love playing all my instruments and binge watching on Netflix.

2: Fransykes or Jalex

Jalex all the way. Jack is my baby

3. Who is your wattpad wifey

What does that even mean? I don't talk to people...

4. FMK Kevin Ghost, Kellin Quin, Awsten Knight

Marry Awsten Knight because.. I dunno he has cool hair I guess. Fuck Kevin and Kill Kellin I guess??

5. Collide with the sky or Misadventures?

I love each for a different reason, I discovered Pierce the Veil when I was on Pandora one day and it was the song A Match Into Water and I fell in love with that whole album. But on the other hand I love Misadventures because it's the first album to come out since I started listening to them.

6.Favorite band?


7. Which would you fuck?
Alan Ashby
Austin Carlile
Kellin Quinn
Vic Fuentes
Justin Hill
Tony Perry

Alan because... Those lips man...

8. Favorite Of Mice and Men song?

The Calm, though it doesn't have words it makes me emotional.

9. Kaelyn Qweef or Vikturd Fuentits

Fuentits... Because tits

10. Favorite book? (NOT FANFIC)

I love Daughter of Smoke and Bone because the main character is hot

11. Do you love meh?

Who is meh???

12. sex or smut?

Uh smut?

13. Biggest fear?

Public humiliation


1. cat or dog?

I wish I liked cats but I'm super allergic so dogs, and my dog is my baby. Picture here vv

 Picture here vv

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

2. If you had to choose between money or love, which and why?

Love because I want to love someone and I want them to love me.

3. Have you ever hated someone?

Yes, my most recent Ex boyfriend for certain reasons....

4. What's your daily routine?

Wake up. Makeup. Hair. Food. Leave.

5. How often do you leave your bed?

I actually almost never spend time in my room because I hate it.

6. Why are you good or not good at something?

Uhhh I guess I'm good at instruments because I play 24-7. And I'm not foot at talking to people or having normal conversations.

7. do you think there is an afterlife?

I mean I don't believe in God but I think there is something else after this..

8. Something you like about yourself?

My hair is actually the only thing I like about myself because I recently shaved half of it and I love it.

9. something you wish you had

Butt and boobs

10. Ten things about the Almighty Harry Styles

I don't know what that is...???? Like Harry himself? Or is that like a cult?

11. Worst day ever

5/30/15 at 4:50

Or when me and my friend thought we were going after the same girl and I go really pissed at him and we almost weren't friends anymore

12. Best day ever


13. Why or who got you started on Wattpad

I started reading on Wattpad because I wanted an app that I could read books on. I started writing on here one day because I wanted to branch out from Quotev so I published like five things on here (Then decided I didn't like them so I took them off)


I don't have friends....

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