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Quinn was packing up the last of her belongings from the room she'd be sleeping in

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Quinn was packing up the last of her belongings from the room she'd be sleeping in. Her significant other and herself would leave tonight to help the X-Men find the remaining mutants before the Senetiels. They had originally planned to leave in the late afternoon but were delayed because of Peter and his disagreement with the team arrangements Charles Xavier made.

"I still don't understand why we're separated," Quinn heard from the bathroom, followed by a quick breeze messing up her hair. No one knows how or when Quinn snatched up someone like Peter Maximoff but boy — it happened, alright.

"Charles thinks we'll be distracted by each other in the same place. We're not official X-Men, so they don't know if we're reliable. At least you'll have Wanda and Lorna with you." She handed him fresh clothes while telling him this. Peter set them on the bed as he tried drying his grey hair. "Where's the fun in that? I'll be worried sick about you either way. Even if we're two countries apart." He frowned at the last part and turned in her direction.

"I'll be worried about you too, laser brain." Quinn truthfully admitted. Peter wasted no time in walking over and wrapping her up in his embrace for what might be the last time. Quinn held him around the waist and leaned on his shoulder, breathing in his scent.

"We'll be together again before you know it. They'll eventually get annoyed of you and send you back." He joked lightly, earning a punch to his shoulder and an unamused lover.

"I'm kidding, calm down!" He pulled away from her to hold his hands up in mock surrender, this time making Quinn laugh. Peter pulled her into his arms once again. "I know, but it would be you they'd get annoyed of."

"Alright, but as I was saying before, we'll get through this and be together before we know it." Peter spoke seriously as he held Quinn's hands in his own, now staring intently into her eyes. His were a black onyx to her lighter brown color, a contrast within the couple. Peter almost forgot what he had intended to say until he remembered the importance.

"I want you to know I love you. It was scary at first because I've never had to commit to something, but you walked into my life after Logan brought you along to the bar that night in September..." Quinn gave him a smile and brought a hand to rest on his cheek. "Don't get shy on me doofus, nothing's stopped you before remember?"

She did make a point. This conversation and just Quinn in general, were the only things that had succeeded in slowing him down. In a good way, of course.

"I've been a pain in the ass for the last 12 years and somehow you're still here. You could've gone with a normal man with no mutations but you chose me. Me! Of all people and mutants, me. Nothing could ever top the joy of being with you and every thing we have, excluding the exception of you giving me the honor of officially being your man, even though you probably suspected I was proposing but-"

"Okay, slow down for a minute." Quinn laughed with her free hand clasped over his rambling mouth. Peter rolled his eyes at her, removing her hand himself.

"Yes, maybe or no? It's okay if you wanna throw me to the Senetiels for not proposing." He shrugged. Quinn gave him a pointed look and shook her head.

"I will if you say anything like that again and I don't mind. After 12 years of denying people our relationship and you being a pain in my ass, I love you and you're the one for me." The confession made Peter feel all tingly and warm on the inside, like he was being enveloped in the memories and feelings all over again. That is, until he realized Quinn's eyes were now a purple color and she was using her power on his mind. One second him and Quinn were standing in the hotel room, the next they were in front of a bar. Peter saw a younger version of himself off to the side, silver hair and all. He noticed Quinn and Logan walking up to younger him, engaging in a conversation.

"Maximoff, this is Quinn. Quinn, this is the pain in the ass I was telling you about." Logan said bluntly, Peter letting out a laugh at his friend's straightforwardnes. He maneuvered his attention over to the brunette, subtly looking her over. He liked her already.

"The speedster, right?" She smiled and Peter nodded his head, smiling back. Logan smirked, seeing what was happening between the two.

"Let's head inside. Don't wanna get caught up out here." Logan said, shoving the two towards the entrance. Quinn walked in before them, giving Logan and Peter time to talk.

"I like this chick." Peter blurted out, his smile still prominent on his face. He looked back to where she had walked through and turned back to face Logan, who was amused with his infatuation. "Thanks wolfie, I owe you one." He patted Logan on the shoulder as they made their way in, the memory fading out.

Peter was sucked out as Quinn pulled her hands away and her aura went back into her body. He looked at her after regaining his breath, still in awe. He was always amazed by what she could do, even if his twin Wanda had similar abilities.

"I bought you a drink and we danced to every song that was playing." He recalled, remembering it all like yesterday. Quinn joined him on the bed and leaned on him.

"It was the best night of my life." Peter held her face in his hands and he leaned in for a kiss, one that was immediately reciprocated by Quinn. It was sweet, loving, and passionate. Neither wanted the moment to end, but they had to get going.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

1011 words for a prolouge? Wow, that's new for me. For those who don't understand, the prolouge is set in DOFP and the year 2023. The first offical chapter will be taking place in 1973, since I don't want to write a whole chapter about them finding Kitty and the others to avoid dragging on. Thank you.

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