Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Zoey opened her eyes to find that she was back in her bed at Fowl manor, and immediately relaxed. She wasn't in that awful operating room anymore. Mr. Bowler was gone, Dr. Raven was gone, and so was Seraphina and Mr. Hoagie. She looked to the right of her, where Foaly was trying to but failing at forcing back a laugh. To the left, Butler and Holly were helping Artemis off of the floor. Artemis was holding his nose and moaning. Zoey wasn't surprised.

"I didn't happen to just kick Artemis in the face, did I?" She asked, and Foaly burst out laughing and nodded. Artemis wasn't as amused. He glared at the centaur angrily and dropped his hand away from his face. Zoey gasped, his nose was already quite swollen, and bleeding. She felt extremely guilty about it.

"Yeah, you just started flailing your arms and legs around like crazy!" Holly exclaimed, pulling Artemis up to his feet. He wavered a bit before straightening and creating a safe distance between himself and Zoey. Nobody blamed him.

"Sorry about that, I just got the best of Dr. Raven in my dream. It felt fantastic." Zoey reminisced on the moment of justice, and Artemis was happy for her, despite the pain that her happiness caused him. LITERAL pain.

"You kicked him in the nose as well?" Butler asked, and Zoey nodded her head enthusiastically back at him.

"Yes, actually I did. And I escaped the room that he held me in." She paused to think for a moment. "And there was a man, Joseph Bowler, and a little girl named Seraphina. She had a lizard named Mr. Hoagie..." Foaly snorted at the name of the girl's pet lizard, but Butler had little interest in strangely named reptiles...

"Wait, Joseph Bowler? The television host on that ridiculous program, 'Believe It or Else?" He asked, and Zoey seemed like she had just placed the name of the man.

"Yeah, him!" She exclaimed excitedly. "He was talking with Raven about finishing his experiment so that he could expose the fairies on his show, but that's just ridiculous, right? Just a dream." Everyone was silent for a few moments, staring at Zoey thoughtfully. Foaly broke the silence by leaning over to whisper something in Butler's ear. Butler nodded and in turn whispered something in Artemis' ear. He nodded and watched as Foaly walked out of the room with Butler. Zoey rolled her eyes. They could have just told her what they were doing, she knew anyways...

"They're going to check up on Mr. Bowler..." He explained to Zoey, who didn't really need to be informed.

"I know. They didn't need to whisper about it." She grumbled, annoyed that everyone else was trying to solve her problem for her. She wasn't mad that people cared about her or that they wanted to help her, but surely she could have helped them or at least been told a little more.

"They don't want you to worry about anything. You're in a very fragile state right now." Holly assured Zoey, who shrugged and relaxed a little bit more.

"I feel much better actually. I feel refreshed." She admitted, sounding in a much better mood than ever before. Artemis couldn't say the same, however, Zoey noticed that Holly had gotten him a bag of ice that he pressed lightly to his injured nose. "Artemis, I'm really sorry about kicking you." She added apologetically. Artemis smiled a bit at her and replied,

"It's fine, it only throbs painfully a small bit." Zoey laughed at the joke and felt much more at ease due to the lightened atmosphere. Even Holly chuckled softly.

"So," Holly began, unsuccessful in trying to force back a smile. "Why would a little girl name a lizard 'Mr. Hoagie'?"

"I don't know, it's just a dream. I don't think that's an actual name for a pet reptile." Zoey answered her.

"No, your dreams are different, like they're somehow linked to reality. It's strange, I've never seen anything like it before..." Artemis said sincerely. "What else did you dream?" Both Holly and Artemis stared at her, awaiting an answer.

"Well, Dr. Raven was about to fix some things that he had implanted in my brain, one was something that made my brain superhuman, the other was a linking wire." Zoey explained to them.

"What does a linking wire do?" Holly asked.

"It was supposed to link my dreams with reality, but it was broken, and I escaped before it could be fixed." Zoey replied.

"Aha! There you go, there's your proof!" Artemis exclaimed proudly, earning a skeptical eye roll from Zoey.

"What proof? It's a dream, a fictional story created in my head! The linking wire doesn't exist."

"Just a few years ago, I felt the same way about faries, time travel, and many other things. I've learned not to underestimate the nonexistent." Artemis said to her, glancing over at Holly with a small half-smile. She returned the grin, and Zoey smiled at the both of them. She'd never knew that this was what it felt like to have a group of people who cared about you, and who you cared about as well. She never knew what it felt like to have a family until now.

"Interesting philosophy, I'll be sure to keep it in mind." She said, smiling slyly. "Meanwhile, I'm hungry. VERY hungry."


Great right? She's happy now, escaped Dr. Raven and Joseph Bowler, and is regaining her health. The end, right? NOPE. But I need help. Please help me think of a... wait for it... bum bada bum: PLOT TWIST!  Opinions pretty please with potato salad on top...? ^u^

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