who is she

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Third person POV:

The kidnapper that set John Clayton also known as Tarzan and his wife Jane mansion on fire so he can take their daughter and give her to captain rom .

The kidnapper had received a letter giving him instructions to go to the mainland so he did.

But he was also a criminal in some of the state's in America so he had to thread carefully.

As the day roled by the kidnapper caught the eye of a police officer so he had no choice but to go on the run so he fled to the closest forest somewhere near Alaska where people can get lost but he had no choice as he reach there he hid baby Jillian in a cave and come back for her later .

But he was arrested before he can retrieve her so no one knew what happened to baby Jillian.


Naomi (wolf) pov:
As I paded my way to the cave with my pack I heard a crying it sounded like those furless pup's those human birth .

I look down and saw a human pup in a box that was filled with some kind grey wrinkled leaves (newspaper ) if we don't warm up this pup she'll die so I ordered my female wolves to gather around and keep the human pup warm as I told the male's to stand gaurd .

As I studied the human pup she look to young for meat so I'll have to feed her my milk my youngest pup tala sniff at the human pup and yip happily and curled around the box and keep gaurd so it seems tala has taken in the human pup as well.

"I've decided to take in the human pup as my own " I announce to my pack and they all howl in  acceptance and excitement.

Kiala (Jillian) POV:
I was hunting with Mama I look up and saw a eagle I wanted to see it up close so I look at mama for permission and she nodded.

I dug my claw like nails and started to climb up to the branches being careful not to get my fur caught in the branches I finally reached to branch close to the eagle he look me in the eye's and bowed his head in acknowledgement I nodded in return.

"Kiala it's time to return to the pack"

"Aww ok I'm coming"

I hop down the branches and landed on all fours gracefully my friend Dina she's a fox that likes to sleep in tree's at times.

As we made our way to the pack clearing and cave one our beta's cova ran up to us.

" alpha Naomi we have a problem" cova told mama in a worried tone.

"What is it cova"

"The winter storm is coming but it's gonna be worse then last year im afraid that kiala will not be able to make it through the winter her furs will not protect her and we become more feral with the lack of food".

" Mama I don't want kiala to go please she's my sister " tala begg mama.

I understood they want me to be safe so I must agree with Mama i turnd to face mama.

" I understand that I must leave in order to stay safe I've survive ten years thanks to you" I reminded my wolf mother in gratitude.

"Are you sure kiala"
Tala said in a scared voice.


"Very well  come we leave in the morning at dawn I know a human that is wealthy enough to protect you"


The next morning we headed to lady stoick home located near the forest but close enough to the city .

Lady stoick was known to be kind yet free spirited but also a woman none the less mama known her since she was a pup lady stoick protected mama from the Hunter's.

As we made it to the forest line I saw a lady standing in a clearing near mansion with a butler lady stoick was a beautiful lady but she look kind  with brown curly hair that was tuck under a hat that was adorned with flowers.

We stood in front of her I was standing behind mama I knew lady stoick couldn't speak wolf so u just nodded in greeting but I sniff her wrist for her scent she smell like lavender.

"Hello Naomi nice to see you again I'll protect her like she is my own I will teache her the human way but she will always remember your way as we'll I promise"
Lady stoick assured mama.

I turned to the pack and said my goodbye to them and finally I reach mama and tala.

"I'll come back for you when the winter storm pass I promise" tala said in determination.

"We both know you're to young and besides those Hunter's are dangerous you cannot be caught ok promis"

"I promise" with that tala lick my cheek and nuzzl my neck .

I turned to mama and hug her finally letting my tears fall from my eye's.

"Be strong my pup you will grow into a strong woman I know it you will face opsticles like none before you will meet your real parents I know it but be careful I know we will meet again". Mama said to me in a sure tone she nuzzl me for a moment and said it was time to leave the storm would be here soon.

I watch them walk back into the forest and I cried lady stoick held me until I stopped and ask me if I was hungry and made our way into my new home.

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