2.1 || No Pain, All Gain

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That earned him an uppercut. Darren didn't give him a chance to open his mouth again before delivering another punch.

"Maybe this won't hurt you," Darren growled, once more slamming Josh against the door, "but if I hit you hard enough, you might not have teeth to keep smiling with."

Josh's lips twitched even higher as he tried to keep laughter from his voice. Darren made this too easy. "And here I thought you loved my smile. Could have just said something."

With his eyes narrowed and lips pulled back into a snarl, Darren looked ready to murder. Josh couldn't entirely blame him. Multiple interactions had shown Darren that Josh couldn't be hurt, by him or most other things. Josh had also shown suspicion when he found Darren and Kurt, and if his morning hadn't been so crazy, he may have made it his mission to make Darren's day a little worse because he still didn't believe Kurt's excuse.

It really did look like Josh set Darren up to get in trouble. For once, the smart remarks didn't feel all that deserved. But considering all the guys Darren had likely beat up before Josh discovered his bullying ways... One day of being unnecessarily sarcastic to get his mind off his own troubles couldn't hurt.

Darren cocked his arm back, prepared to deliver another hit, but before he could, there were soft pats on the opposite side of the door. Darren jerked his hands away from Josh, though he sent him one last glare before they both looked toward the door.

The knob shifted down with a click, and a familiar brown-haired teenage girl pushed the door open. Her dark eyes peered out at them.

Josh snorted. Out of all the people, it was her. "Hey there, Hannah."

His childhood friend frowned instead of returning his greeting. "What's going on out here? I thought I heard something hit the door."

Darren patted Josh on the shoulder. "Josh stumbled into the door. Genius, right?" He laughed. "The guy passed out while playing soccer, and I was bringing him up to the nurse."

Josh fought against a cringe. He didn't know what was weirder—Darren laughing around him or Darren using his name.

"Oh really?" Hannah asked, inching herself further out the door. She studied Darren a moment longer before turning questioningly to Josh. "I don't think I've ever heard of you passing out."

A knowing note creeped into Hannah's words, and Josh bristled. Of course it would be Hannah to see so easily through Darren's deception. A small glimmer of pride in her intelligence drowned in a wave of unease. As much as he disliked Darren, Josh knew he was smart as well, which meant two bad things would come from this.

Hannah would demand to know more, and Darren would figure she knew more than she should. Either way, she could become a new target.

Josh forced a sheepish smile and nodded. "Yeah. Not sure what happened there. Hopefully the nurse can help us figure it out."

Believe me, he mentally pleaded. Or at least act like you do. Come on, Hannah.

"Yeah, hopefully," she agreed. She tucked a loose strand of curly hair behind her ear and glanced over her shoulder. "Well, I'm heading that way, so I can take him with me. Unless you want to stick around. You know, in case he loses his balance again."

Josh nearly groaned. Son of a gun. He may as well have handed her a shovel with how much she wanted to dig this hole.

A slight, challenging edge sneaked into Darren's smile, as if daring Hannah to say what she was really thinking. "I guess that works if you're really heading that way."

The Dragon's Scale [COMPLETE]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora