Great as Always

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Can we just take a moment and acknowledge how far the guys have gotten in their 7 months of CNCO. 5/6 award that's amazing. They undeniably have great big things coming their way. Honestly I'm so proud, like I've said that at least 1000 times. They deserve this and much more and it's great to have the CNCOwners be united to make the boys happy. Anyways I have a couple ideas so be on the lookout for updates. I'm sorry it's slow but I'll try to get better at it.
Have a great day/night my beautiful CNCOwners (or Palmitas) <-(Bc I love Palm trees and y'all are fam so I love y'all😇) ✨💫🌴💖

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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