Three | Not Too Shabby

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When Yona awoke from her unconscious state, she was disoriented. Something sticky and sweet passed her lips and slid down her throat, something she soon identified to be from an orange.

Slowly, she opened her unique purple eyes followed by fluttered blinking in order to adjust to the warm sunlight filtering down on her. A boy with light pink hair shoved the orange in her mouth, but she hadn't heard what he said.

Coughing, she slid herself into an upright position. Where am I? Where's Hak!?

Apparently she had voiced her thoughts because not a second later, a boy with short pink hair and a feather within it was in her face. "Who are you?" Yona asked with a muffled voice. There was a constant throbbing in her head, like she had hit it or something.

The boy turned away slightly to reach pick up an item used to ground herbs with a sigh. "I'm Yoon, just a beautiful boy passing by, no one important." He replied. When he glanced back, there was a passive look of suspicion in his eyes. "And who are you guys? You guys are pretty tough to survive falling off that cliff."

"Cliff...that right! I—" Yona's eyes widened as memories flashed in her mind. The fall, the girl, everything.

"Where is Hak?! And that girl?!"

"You mean that black haired guy you were with? He's over there," the boy pointed to the heavily bandaged man without looking.

"He's alive, but barely. It looks like he took a lot of the fall protecting you, he had his arms wrapped around you when I found you. If I hadn't found you he probably would have died." He shrugged nonchalantly. Yona on the other hand, was wide-eyed and scrambling over to check on Hak.

Yona didn't move from her hunched position over Hak. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks as she thanked the gods he was alive and well. How many times had she cried in the last few days? Had she ever stopped crying? Anger and irritation swirled in the pit of her stomach and squeezed at her heart. Why am I so weak?

"He went above and beyond for you. Who is he? Your boyfriend?" Yoon questioned whilst organizing his box of herbs. Yona shook her head with a rather innocent look on her face. "No, not at all."

Yoon sighed and shrugged. "I see...I feel sorry for him." The red haired princess looked around the place she was being treated. It looked a little run down, but it felt nice. "Is this the bottom of the valley? Do you live here?" She tilted her head in question. "Sort of." Came the reply.

"Are you a doctor? I'm looking for somebody—" Yona was cut off by someone repeating Yoon's name over and over. Yona saw the dirty straw sandals first, then travelled up to see the newcomer's eyes shrouded by a curtain of blonde bangs. "Listen, listen to what happened!" He cried out. Yoon's eyes widened at the sight of him. "Oi, why are you all covered in mud?!" Yoon lifted his foot to push the stranger back. The blonde raised his hands in defense. "I was praying to the gods when I slipped and fell...ah!"

A pained moan disrupted the lively exchange, causing all three heads to turn towards the sound. A shadowed figure moved in the darkest corner of the house, shifting to an upright position. Yona gasped when silver hair caught the Suns rays, shining like what could be described as a star.

Yona knew exactly who it was. Not their name or anything actually useful, but she knew.

It was the girl who jumped after them.

Yona stood abruptly, gaining Yoon's attention. "It's her..." Yona mumbled under her breath as she took a hesitant step forwards. But Yoon beat her to it. He began unwrapping bandages and the sort, but froze when he finally removed the last of them.

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