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It was almost midnight. The girl could sense how serene the world around her became as everything fell into a peaceful slumber. Already, dew was forming on the grass that grazed her ankles delicately. I wish I could stay here forever... I wish I could see the stars just once. The girl shook the poisonous thoughts away with a sigh as she tilted her shadowed face towards the sky.

There were so many things she had yet to do, but tonight would be the turn towards a new door. She shifted to stand, in the palm of her hand a meticulously folded paper crane rested delicately. For a moment she stared at it, wondering if maybe, just maybe she wouldn't have to be the messenger this time. That she wouldn't be blamed for what was to happen to the girl who didn't even know she existed.

There was a growing sense of dread pooling in the pit of her stomach. Something she had learned to suppress since she was just a girl. It's happening soon... There was no doubt about it. The silver haired female took a step forward towards Hiryuu castle, burrowing her way in, stealthily evading the guards by rooftop. Suddenly she stopped.

Where were the guards? She couldn't sense any of their auras no matter how far she reached. Curious, the lithe woman dropped down into the open corridor soaking wet. It was raining. How did I miss that? She had briefly forgotten how badly the rain disrupted her senses. No matter. I still have the basics. The woman huffed, perking up at the sound of a girl's quivering voice.

" Su-won is the son of Uncle Yuhon, your older brother... He is of royal blood."


Quickly she pressed herself up to the window to listen in, just as Hak gazed out the doors. "Yes, but I, the King, will decide who is the heir." Before she could hear the rest of the conversation, the girl whispered into her paper crane, leaving it for one of the three people in there to find.

Whatever is going on. It was happening within the week.


It is Yona's birthday today.

The young female sighed in annoyance. Nothing has happened since the night in the rain, The guards seemed to be at their posts 24/7 and no one seemed to notice her presence. Well, except for the King. It seems like the more cranes she leaves the more they disappear, the heavier the cloud of anxiety seemed to thicken.

"Damn you. Can't you see I'm trying to help you old man?" She muttered under her breath as she donned her cloak and covered the lower part of her face. As expected the celebration was excessively grand. There were hundreds upon hundreds of people attending the young princess's birthday. Many of whom were royal, or at least high ranking individuals. Among them she hid, watching the princess and the king converse. But...

She couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her as well. Without a sound, she left to sit upon the roof with some food she had swiped off one of the long tables filled with lavish dishes. Nothing is going to happen in broad daylight. I'm better off rested than bored out of my mind.


It was midnight yet again, but this time there was nothing serene about it. Thunder boomed and the rain pounded on her senses like a hammer to nail. Earlier when Yona retired to her room, she had found one of her cranes resting atop her wooden table with the purple flowers on it. Of course she discarded it as if it were nothing but a paper crane. There was nothing else she would have expected.

The silver haired girl shivered as a chill ran down her spine. It already happened, hasn't it? Just moments later her thoughts were confirmed when she heard the frantic footsteps of Yona running and crying.

As for what happened next, the silent observer entered the king's room to inspect the damage. The stench of Iron filled the air in a disgustingly sweet way. Well, there was nothing she could do but watch.

In the courtyard she observed the fight between Su-won's followers and Son Hak. The rain had finally let up, but instead of feeling dizzy like she usually did, the girl felt cleansed and sharp as a dagger. It's not as if she could actually see what was going on, but she could sense the tension and pure hatred seething in the air. Below her, the scene unfolded but there was something off...

Someone has spotted me.

Faintly she could sense the red aura of Yona directed at her and looked down at the princess with narrowed eyes. Her silver hair shone brightly in the moonlight, almost blinding the princess who stared with tear stained eyes. Yona wanted to cry for the mysterious figure to stop standing there and help, but she couldn't find the voice to scream it.

As soon as Princess Yona of Kouka blinked, she was gone and was whisked away into the forest in Hak's arms. But as she was carried, Yona felt something in her clenched fist. Not particularly curious, but confused, the princess opened her palm and gasped.

It was that paper crane. And somehow, she knew she couldn't get rid of it.


Author here! This is honestly the first fic i've started in a LOOONG while so please bare with me as I attempt to update as often as I can.

I know I didn't use a name for the character & kept using "she" and "the female" but there wasn't really an opportunity to give her name in the situation and I kinda like introducing characters as they meet the first canon one.

Anywho, don't forget to vote and comment!

~ Cas

The Silver Blade [ akatsuki no Yona / Yona of the Dawn fic]Where stories live. Discover now