Part 4-Experimentation part 2

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Tobias POV

I feel so full yet I'm not bursting from this bloated body. My arms are barely there as are my legs. I still feel something on my manhood and my bum. I then saw the mechanical hand remove the feeding tube from my mouth. The gag still remained.

Kodias POV

My body so bloated. This diaper making my manhood get hard. I still feel two tubes, well barely, and the one in my mouth is soon removed but the gag remains. My arms and legs are barely there.

Sebastian POV

I had my mechanical hands maneuver Tobias so that he manhood can freely swell and expand. Tobias was positioned basically on his stomach. I t allowed the tube covering the manhood and the one in his bum to be exposed. I activated a button and the device fed a small tube into his manhood. The covering then fell apart but the tube remained.

I then had the mechanical hands maneuver Kodias to where he was on his back and it wasn't constricting the tube in his bum. I also had the mechanical hands remove Kodias' diaper and also cleaned him. I made sure the tube in his bum remained untouched.

Once satisfied I had the hands position 2 four count air tanks (1 set of four for Kodias and 1 set of four for Tobias). In the tanks I had mixed my own chemical to where they will expand but still won't burst or start to float. I had the hands connect the adjoining tubes to the tanks. I then started the secondary process to slow feed the air into them.

Narator POV (A/N the rest of the story will be told from this viewpoint so enjoy)

The air began to hiss as it made it way to the twins. They moaned through their gags wanting it to stop. Tobias' manhood started to grow and swell. Tobias felt pleasured by this even though it shouldn't. Tobias felt air hiss into his bum causing it to also grow and expand.

Kodias felt pressure in his belly as well as his bum as the air flowed into his body. Suddenly he felt something poke at his manhood and pressure started to build up as well. He then realized that this person attached a tube to his manhood causing the same growing and expanding as Tobias.

Sebastian laughs menacingly as the twins continue to grown and expand. After two hours the tanks have soon emptied. The twins were weight checked. Tobias had weighed 12,000 pounds and Kodias weighed 13,000 pounds. Sebastian had the tubes removed from both of their manhoods. Both manhoods weighed about 1,000 pounds each maybe more. Kodias' belly tube was removed as well.

Sebastian had a smirk on his face and decided to reattach the feeding tubes. He pushed a button and the hands placed the tubes back in their mouth gags. Sebastian heard the muffled screams from them. He then decided that Kodias needed to lay in same position as his brother. He had the hands maneuver Kodias so now both lay in the same postion as they both were on their extremely bloated bellies.

He went through the trouble of getting cum containers and planned on feeding it to them through their tubes attached to their bums. Sebastian force feeds the chemical for further expansion through the feed tubes. He then proceeds to force feed the cum into their bums causing them to groan as they continue to gain weight and expand. He then pushes the button to activate the feeding tubes.

The twins continue to expand as their bodies intake the food and cum. Their arms and legs have practically merged with the body with the exception of the hands and feed that actually expanded instead of shrinking.

After almost 18 hours of being force fed all tubes were removed. The gags were also removed. Tobias weighed 25,200 pounds and Kodias weighed 25,500 pounds. Sebastian deactivated his mechanical hands. He walked in and saw his creations.

"This was just trial one hehe." Sebastian tells them.

"What *urp*?" Tobias groaned.

"You *urp* can't be *urp* serious *urp*!" Kodias groans.

"Well time to get you back to normal size and we shall try it in reverse. Which means Kodias will get what Tobias had and Tobias will get what Kodias had hehe." Sebastian tells them as he laughs.

Sebastian then leaves the room.

A/N see you in part 5 hehe.

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