First Meeting

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He only stared at the table in front of him, this picture was just too normal for him. Jaejoong knew nothing at all, 6 years had passed since Jaejoong had been accused for killing a girl and it was obvious that Jaejoong was not the killer. Today, this night, like a crazy luck was coming for him, a lawyer was willing to help Jaejoong.

"There is the killer, sir." a voice outside of the investigating room could be heard by Jaejoong.

"Okay, you may go now." another voice echoed and some footsteps could be heard.

Jaejoong was startled when the door swung opened and a man with black hair entered the room with a confident walking style. Jaejoong lifted up his head and made an eye contact with the man who was flashing a sincere smile to him.

The man then sat at the chair at the front of the table. "Okay. So, you are Kim Jaejoong. Well, I will be your lawyer and I am Jung Yunho. It's nice to meet you." the man, Yunho introduced himself.

A lawyer? Jaejoong asked to himself. At last, someone was there to help him which was a crazy luck. Jaejoong nodded and smiled, "It is a pleasure to meet you too, Yunho. Thanks for willing to help me." he said.

Yunho smiled, "Okay, so now. I am going to help you with the case. We are going to start it now, okay? All you have to do is be honest." he adviced.

Jaejoong just nodded. There was no reason for him to be honest, he was not lying at all only that no one was believing him. And he assumed that Yunho would not trust him either.

Yunho cleared his throat with a slight cough and stared at Jaejoong directly toward the eyes. "Okay, they say that you are the killer of a girl. Is that true?" he asked.

Jaejoong almost laughed. Was that even a question? "I don't have any answers, sir. Even if I deny it, no one would believe me anyway." he objected.

"But, I am here to trust you. I don't come here for nothing." Yunho explained and smiled. "So, tell me. Are you the killer?"


"How do you feel when people say that you are a killer?"

"Like I am no longer needed in this world."

"Do you want to be free?"


"Will you be honest right now?"

"I am tired of saying yes."

Yunho then sighed and smiled, "Okay, that is all for today. Now, go back to your jail, Jae. Tomorrow, you will follow me to the court and I am sure that I will help you to get out from this suffering. Trust me." he said and left the room.

Jaejoong sighed and clenched both if his fists. Did Yunho really trust him? That was the first time for Jaejoong to hear someone to say such word to him, like a promise. Tears started to drop off from Jaejoong's eyes and his dried lips were twitching.

"Even if I deny everything, no one will believes in me. I know it. Jung Yunho would also be the same like everyone."

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