Chapter 19: Change of Plans

Start from the beginning

“Yup, I have a very nice view of your ass getting squashed against the window.” She answered me.

“Stop ogling my bottom, you dirty woman” I replied.

“Pfff…really? It could use a work out.” She teased.

“Work out…my ass.” I stated as I flexed and contracted the muscles in my legs and buttocks,

She heard her draw in her breath and I smiled.

She still liked what she saw. That means there is hope for us.

We dropped out of hyperspace and I dropped on top of Anastasia.

“Arghhh, you idiot.”

I turned, hugged her and swam back to my seat.

When I reached my seat she had called me every swear word that she could think of.

Yes, that is it. Let it out. Vent!

Afterwards, we’ll kiss and make up.


I still can’t believe I was that stupid to give her too much. I forgot that she was part human. I clearly wasn’t thinking straight.

But it is her own fault. Every time we kiss, my brain kind of switches off.

The upside is that I get to kiss her even more regularly than I originally planned.

And I don’t mind a little bit of a rough treatment; her rage makes her taste even sweeter than she normally does.

I chuckled and buckled myself into my seat.

I bet she doesn’t know that.

Anastasia’s POV

I can’t believe myself. One twitch of his beautiful behind and I go completely gaga.

Where the f*ck did I leave my brain this morning?

I am going to make him pay for what he did to me. He is going to be so sorry that he has to spend every single second of his remaining life with me.

He is going to experience first hand that love hurts like hell. He forgot something about Mezdor royalty that he should have thought about before spitting his poison in me. And I am going to remind him next time we kiss.

Okay, snap out of it, girl. Back to reality. We are under attack, stop daydreaming about a dumb demon with a nice set of buns.

Where are Zea and Kieran? Are there any other survivors?

I looked around. We were floating in dead space and I saw no other crafts.

A horrible feeling crept upon me.

I checked the system, and asked it to search for other crafts in the vicinity.


That can’t be right. Check again.

No other crafts.

“What is wrong, Anastasia?” Peter asked behind me.

“We are alone. The ship doesn’t detect any other presences.” I answered him quietly.

“Check the position that we are at.”

I did what he asked and groaned.

Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

“I jumped us to the incorrect location.”

How the f*ck did I manage to screw up that bad?

I stared at the screen and at the map. I jumped to the mirror position. What a stupid mistake.

“Please tell me that we are still within the same galaxy?” Peter asked me worriedly.

“Yeah, we are. Only at the other side.”

“Is there an M class planet nearby that we can reach without jumping again?” he asked.

“Yeah, the blueberry planet. Within three weeks.”

“And the rendezvous point?”

“Within four months.”

“Is communication still working, or did you screw up that too?”

“F*ck you, you couldn’t even make the jump. And I didn’t screw up the system. I only made an incorrect calculation.”

“That is even worse.”

“F*ck you. At least you are not dead. Which we would be if I hadn’t jumped.”

He huffed and remained quiet.

I checked the communication equipment. “Communications are working. I am sending a message to Zea now.”

“Did she respond?”

“Just wait a few seconds.”



“What did she sent back?”

I smiled when I read the message.

“Do you really want to know?” I asked him.

“Yes, of course, otherwise I wouldn’t be asking, would I?” He said annoyed.



“That is what Zea send us.”

“Unbelievable. How old are you two? Fifteen?”

“Well she is partly right, you are one idiot demon.” I stated drily.

“What do we do now?” Peter asked me, starting to look really annoyed now.

I asked Zea what to do and she sent back a message that told us to meet at the Blueberry planet in four weeks at a certain coordinate.

“We meet up with Zea and Kieran at the Blueberry planet.” I told Peter.

He scowled and sat back in his chair.

“Great, three weeks in space with only you as company and then a week on a retarded planet. Just my idea of fun.”

“We could simply not talk and go into stasis?” I asked eagerly.

“What are you talking about?”

“Stasis, I can slow my heartbeat and breathing up to 50%, can’t you?”

“Of course I can. I am a pure blood.” He barked.

“I just simply can’t believe you would rather be in stasis than spend time with me.” He threw angrily at me.

I shrugged. “You lied to me, stalked me and poisoned me. What do you think?”

He sighed. “I think we are stuck together for the rest of our immortal lives and so we might try to get along.”

I started to laugh uncontrollably, which ended up in a fit of coughing.

“I am going to make you pay for what you did. Dude, you should never have messed with me. I am one crazy b*tch.”

He rolled his eyes but stayed quiet.

After a silence of minutes, he asked “What about the others? Are there any other survivors?”

I messaged the question to Zea.

I gasped when I read the response.

“There are no other survivors.”

“Jesus Christ. They annihilated the entire fleet???” Peter exclaimed.

I swallowed. “It appears so.”

15,000 dead vampires. Minus 2. And 2 demons. Unf*cking believable. What a waste.

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