But now, we simply set up a gravestone in honor of Scarlett's death, next to her fathers. It was the least we could do. We also upgraded the archery station in her honor, and amended a few other things that she would've wanted to be done.

I momentarily shook myself from my ongoing thoughts, just to slip my hand into my pocket and pull out a small packet of cigarettes. I lit one swiftly and brought the tip to my lips. I inhaled slowly, my system welcoming the smoke like an old friend. I had never smoked before, but I started to recently since it relaxed me and helped me forget temporarily about the emotional pain I was in.

But I was always reminded of her one way or the other. There were always small things around me, or things that people said, which would always link to Scarlett somehow. Things like that made it impossible for me to move on. It's been a month and there had still been instances where I'd cry for hours in the shower until my throat was raw and my eyes had run out of tears, or where I'd end up sleeping over at Jade's just because I can't bear to sleep alone in an empty bed without Scarlett. It had just been utterly horrible.

Taking small, slow draws of the cigarette, I stared into the distance, my pale jade eyes squinting at the group of people near two specific gravestones. I could vaguely make out Jade's figure, along with Louis and Dexter, and Spencer. The whole of Valkyrie was there for sure, as well as Ford and Zia. They always attended important funerals anyhow.

Dragging my eyes away from the scene, I left my cigarette dangling at my lips, running a hand through my overgrown unruly locks as I dug the other one into my pocket. Out I pulled a small piece of paper that was all scrunched up and crinkled. My eulogy. I was meant to read it out at the funeral, but since I decided I wasn't going last minute, I never got to read it. I looked up again; wondering how long was the funeral going to last for before my breath hitched in my throat.

Someone from the group was staring at me in the distance. Spencer. Even from far away, I could feel his icy cold gaze burn into me. He absolutely resented me. I was half paranoid that he was going to murder me in my sleep. But part of me knew Scarlett would smack my head and tell me that he would never do such a thing no matter how much he resented me. The only reason I believed that part of me was the fact that Scarlett herself would resent Spencer if he ever did murder me.

Spencer soon turned away when someone spoke to him, noticing that he was staring at someone. As soon as that person looked up, trying to distinguish what he was staring at, I moved behind the shady tree swiftly. I sat down on the grass, pulling my eulogy out of my pocket. As I held it out to myself so I could read it better, my arm moved upwards and my tattooed wrist was exposed.

My tiny new tattoo on the corner of my wrist caught my eye. I set the eulogy down on my lap and pulling my sleeve lower to look at it. It was a tiny 'S' in cursive writing, in her writing to be specific. I had to rummage through my house to find something she'd written on with an 'S' so I could take it to the tattoo parlor and ask them to replicate that S onto my wrist.

My mind played the memory of when I briefly told her I was going to get a tattoo.

"I do want to get a tattoo, something to remind me of you," I told her honestly, watching her gorgeous brown eyes light up with curiosity.

"Really? What're you gonna get?" She asked me with interest, her eyes glancing down at my completely tattooed arms. Probably wondering where on earth I'd be able to get a new tattoo.

"You'll see soon enough," I whispered into her ear, placing a kiss right under her ear lobe before pulling back with a slight smile.

A sorrowful sigh tumbled from my lips at the sight of the tattoo, and the memory I had just replayed in my head. It seemed like this was what I did on a daily basis, stumble upon something that reminds me of Scarlett, and then play a memory in my head that relates to Scarlett and the thing. It was painful and just vicious. There was no way of avoiding it. It wasn't like I wanted to forget Scarlett and our memories together, of course not, I just wish I wasn't so painfully reminded her and those memories every single second of the day.

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