what happened? d.gord pt.3

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Once you heard you're song that really made you upset. You started crying again. just the thought of him. You kept walking. On the last step you seen a path of rose petals. You followed them thinking of Devin still crying. When you turned to follow the rose petals you slammed in the door. Once you regained yourself you opened the door. You walk in and look up. You see him... Devin.... Devin Allen Gordon. You didn't say anything all you did was fall to the ground and cry. He ran over to you and picked you up.

Devin's pov

Once I saw her fall to the ground my heart broke. I hate to see her cry. I picked her up and placed her on the bed. " y/n ...baby girl don't cry I'm sorry. " I said trying to look her in the face but she was covering her face with her hands. " baby girl please talk to me. "

Y/n pov

He kept talking to me. You didn't answer until he said "I'll just go then " " wait no... Don't... Don't go. " he instantly turned around. " why it seems that you don't want me here. " he said walking towards you. " Devin just because you cheated doesnt mean I don't love you. Yeah I'm pissed off. Yes I'm upset that I ended it. But something deep inside of me still loves you. " you said looking him in the eyes. " y/n I understand. I really do. Can I be honest with you. " he said holding your hand. " duh why wouldnt I want you to" you said looking at him weird. " the only reason that I did that was because lately time when I had a really long relationship and I was loyal asf she cheated on me. Now everytime I'm with someone I cheat before they do it. I'm sorry. " he said grabbing your hand. " Devin you should have known I wasn't going to cheat but it's OK you're lucky I love you. " you said burying my head into his shoulder. " so does that mean we are together again.?" he asked kissing your forehead." well IDK I didn't get asked again. " you said looking up at him. " well then y/n y/m/n Y/l/n will you go out with me? " you just kissed him. Which turned out into a make out session. Then comes the part when Lexi walked in and said " what happened? "

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