"I can't deal with this feeling of rejection. I feel like shit." "That's probably how Don felt when you rejected him multiple times." she laughed. "Not a good feeling is it?" I ignored her the rest of the time. After the salon, I had Kyra drop me at Ant's store. I headed towards his office but stopped when I saw our dad and Alayna walking out. Shocker. "Hey guys." I greeted. "Hey baby, we're in a rush." Daddy spoke, kissing my cheek and walking out. "Ant. I have a problem." I sat across from him. "When don't you have a problem."

"Don rejected me." I pouted. "He's tired of your games and shit twin." Ant shrugged. "What if he goes on to someone else?" "Oh well. Your loss." He left out leaving me in my thoughts until he closed up. "Why you quiet." Ant asked on the ride home. "No reason." I mumbled and turned looking out the window. He chuckled and turned into Applebee's parking lot. "Sit tight. I'll be back in like three minutes."

"Talk to me." Ant ordered after we were back on the road. I glanced at him before blowing out a few breaths. "I'm falling." He cupped a hand over his ear. "What was that?" "You heard me! I'm falling for Adonis, okay!" I yelled at him. I saw a smile playing on his face but he was struggling to keep it straight. "I admit it after 9 long ass months. I want him, a full relationship, just me and him and fuck everybody else."

I waited for him to say something but he didn't. "You have nothing to say?" I wondered. "Yeah. We here so get out." "You are such an asshole, Ant." I said while digging in his bag from Applebee's and taking a piece of quesadilla and a buffalo wing. "Bye." I said while getting out the car. "Aye twin!" Ant yelled out the window, I turned. "Tell him." "Nah." I shook my head. "Whatever man. Get ya stubborn ass away from my car."

Once inside, I headed straight for my room, hopping on my laptop. Don opened the door asking if I wanted to watch a movie. We scrolled through Netflix together. "You choose." he said sitting down on the couch with a bag of Doritos. I stopped at Love Jones and he popped his lips. "This movie is that work, don't do that." I sat at the opposite end of the couch after grabbing the bag of Doritos, placing it on the middle cushion so we could share.

"Don't look at me, watch the movie." I told Don. "Well why you all the way down there" "Don't worry about it." "Come here and sit by me." he ordered. Oh, now he wants to be close to me? I didn't get up. "Britni LaShae if I have to get up, you gon get it." he tried to threaten. I looked him in the eye. "Get up then." He nodded doing what I said before picking me up and sitting back down with me bent over on his lap, my head touching the floor.

He pulled my sweatpants and panties down and gave both of my ass cheeks hard smacks over and over. It hurt like a bitch but I didn't flinch to let him know that. It wasn't until he took a finger and ran it up and down my slit, dipping it inside of my folds. I squirmed as he added another finger in. He continued on until I was close to an orgasm. Pulling his fingers out, he pulled my sweats and panties back on. "Why do you keep doing that to me?" I asked him. "Shh. I'm trying to watch the movie."

It was on the part where Larenz Tate's character Darius was doing his spoken word "A Blues For Nina." "I want that to happen. Well not like poetry but maybe a guy sing a song for me or something. Let me know you can step outside the box and impress me in front of others. You know?" I said looking up at Don. "Mhm." he hummed. "Are you listening to me?" "Yeah B, you like artsy dudes. I get it." I just shook my head and leaned onto his shoulder more.

"I have something to say to you but I don't know how to start." I kept my eyes on my chicken and spinach Panini sandwich I had made us for dinner. "What's up?" he wondered wiping his mouth. I sat my sandwich down and began playing with my hands. "Well, I finally came to my senses and can admit that I have feelings for you. Everyday I fall deeper. I know it's shocking you that I finally admitted but, I do." I took a breather and sipped my water and looking at him. He was leaning back in his chair with a smirk.

"Maybe you think that I am just talking but I promise you that I'm not. I want you and someway, somehow, I'm willing to be in a relationship despite that I'm afraid..." I trailed off. His eyes were set on me pretty hard. I put my head down to keep from staring at him. "That's how you feel huh?" I nodded my head. "That's cool and all but I really don't know anymore B. I don't." After he spoke those words, he got up and put his plate in the sink walking out without a glance in my direction. It wasn't long before I heard his keys jingle and the front door close indicating that he left.

I ran up the steps and immediately skyped my twin. "Ant." I said as soon as his face came into view. "I told him." "And?" he gestured for me to continue on. "Well..." I felt a brning sensation in my eyes, I had to blink multiple times. "Fuck! Let me all you back." I ended the call and wiped my face. Not believing that I was now crying like a fool, I got myself together and called Ant back. "Now what happened. Are you crying?" he asked humor in his voice.

"I told him and he didn't say anything but "That's cool and all but I really don't know anymore B." then he left. He fucking left, I called you and now," I wiped my face again. "And now I'm sitting here crying like a damn nutcase and mad at myself because the one time I let my feelings be known to a guy willingly, he leaves." Ant just sat there. For once in life, I was glad he had no words for me. "Do you know how hard that was for me to do? Do you Anthony?"

He nodded as his face softened up. "I know sis. Just calm down, can you calm down? For me?" He wanted to know. "He probably wasn't expecting you to hit him with that. Now go wash your face up and stop crying like a baby. I'll come check on you in the morning. Okay?" I sniffled a little. "Okay." I agreed. He smiled at me before saying "I love you." "I love you too twin." Ending the call I went and did what Ant said laughing at myself for crying. Where did these damn emotions come from?

Alone Together (EDITING) (Under Construction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz