Let Her Go *Part One*

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"Hobbit? Q-tip? Harry Potter? Demon eyes?" Blake sighed, "Fine. Blaine?" 

But Blaine still didn't reply. Either he was really in his own little world or he was ignoring her, again. Blake sighed and got out a piece of paper. She made a paper popper and popped it right in his ear. 

"What the fuck was that?!" Blaine exclaimed, finally coming out of his own world.

"Finally, you've been staring into space for like 5 hours," she replied with a roll eye.

"Well sor-ry for being depressed!" he said. 

Blake sighed again, "C'mon." She grabbed Blaine's hand and dragged him out of the small lodge. 

"Where are you taking me?" he mumbled, refusing to even sound happy.

"To Kurt, you really need to get fucked," she responded quickly.

"WHAT!? I-I don't want to see him," he shouted, trying to get out of her grasp.

"That's a motherfucking lie. You love him and you promised me that you'd try to get him back, it doesn't look like you're trying," she said grabbing his hand tighter.

"Don't you think I'm trying?! My heart hurts at the thought of not being with him," he started out loud but it got into a tiny whisper.

"Blaine, if you really were trying, you would have him by now. You've changed. What happened to the stubborn, snarky bad boy who stopped at nothing to get what he wanted? No matter how much you don't believe it, you're not really trying. Is it because you're scared? Or is it because you think that you're not good enough for him? Is that it? 

"You started to become more of your mask so Kurt would think you're a terrible person and leave you. Blaine you are worth it. Remember that. Now get out that door and get some ass," Blake told him. And with those words she left to the lake.

He went back inside the lodge to collect himself. Blaine smiled a bit at Blake's rant. But then he remembered he wasn't supposed to be happy. Happy. It was so common for him 'bout 7 years ago, now the word was like a foreign language.

Was he really not trying? He couldn't really tell anymore.

He scratched a bit at his wrist. A small hiss escaped his lips. He immediately regretted it. 

He slowly pulled his navy blue blazer sleeve up. He traced the scars that had taken up his arms. 

He hated them.

He hated how they never disappeared.

He hated how they reminded him of how weak he was.

He hated how every scar brought a bad memory with its pain.

He hated how no one had ever noticed them.

He hated that he had to hide them with bracelets.

His hatred for them is bigger than his hatred of himself. They marked his past, and everything he hates.

But as a fish once told him, "Just keep swimming."

Yes. Just keep swimming in this pool of madness.

"It started out with a kiss

How did it end up like this?

It was only a kiss

It was only a kiss"

Blaine was just really wasting his time here. Blake probably left a couple hours ago; she probably knew he wanted space.

"Let me go

And I just can't look its killing me 

And taking control"

This was a real shit storm. How is he ever going to fix this?

"Jealousy, turning saints into the sea

Swimming through sick lullabies

Choking on your alibis

But it's just the price I pay"

He stopped thinking for a moment and just listened to the on-coming lyrics.

"Destiny is calling me

Open up my eager eyes

'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside"

He listened quietly to the rest of the song. An idea was starting to form. 

Yes it might work.

But which one?

Then as the final chords were strung, the next song played in his iPod. 

'Perfect,' he thought, 'literally.'

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