Chapter 15

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Calum P.O.V

We left Michael and Sophie's old cabin five minutes ago and were currently walking throug the woods on the East side of the woods, Sophie kept looking around her. I stopped turned around and walked to Sohpie asking her why she's looking around.

''Calum I have a feeling that we're beeing followed by someone, I'm starting to get scared'' She said shivering, Michael wrapped his arm around her telling her everything is gonna be okay. I walked back up to the front next to Luke and we started walking again, I turned around and saw Liam looking down while crying. I decided that I will ask him later why he's upset but I allready think I know why he's upset.

~3 hours later~

It was allready night and we were still walking in the woods on the East side.

''Caluuummm can we please find a resting place my feet are killing meeee'' Sophie started whining, I decided that it's for the best to search for a resting place cause she does have a point we've been walking for three hours straight without any breaks.

''Fine let's just first search for a place where we can rest and we'll continue searching tomorrow''. I told them looking at the group, they all nodded in agreement as Sophie jumped onto Michael's back while we continued walking.

~5 minutes later~

We were all sitting in the trees cause we all thought that it would be the best hiding place, I was sitting in a tree branch looking at the survivers and thinking where my mate could be.

'Hold On baby We're Coming For You'

Shiquena P.O.V

I opend my eyes and looked around me, I was sitting in a old dark dusty room on the dirty filthy. I tried getting up but my legs were verry numb, I searched for a door in the room and saw one in the left corner with a small dirty window above it. I used all my strength and got up making my way to the door,  I started banging my fists onto the metal door.

''HELLO LET ME OUT OF THIS ROOM! HELLO?! GET ME OUT OF HERE!'' I screamed banging my fists onto the metal door, I heard the locks on the door being removed meaning the door was going to be opend. The door flew open with a bright light shinning through the room, I squinted my eyes due to the brightness infront of me. I was dragged out of the room by both my arms into another room, after a couple of minutes I was standing infront of a big door. One of the men konocked on the door after a couple of seconds you heard a person say come in, the man opend the door still having a tight grip onto my arm. They threw me into the room causing me to land on my knees and hands, I got up off the floor and looked up to see who was standing infront of me. Jacob Vlademir with Lylah sitting in the corner in a fancy red dress and her hair curled up falling on one side of her face with a smirk plasted on her dolled up face, oh how much I wanted to punch that girl at the moment.

''Well well well it's been a long time Shiquena perhaps to long, you see we gave your mate some options to keep you away from himself but he disobayed and YOU killed a lot of members of the Heads of all the Clans and also got you little vampire friends involved.'' He said walking around me smirking, I tried with every inch in my body to not attack him at the moment. Small flames in my eyes as my hair was also in flames.

''Now now now don't you dare to go all crazy on me we don't want any of my decorations to be ruined or my beautiful girlfriend to be hurt.'' He said reffering to Lylah, I knew that that bitch was bad news I just knew it!

''WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME JACOB YOU'VE KILLED MY FRIENDS AND MY BROTHER WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO TO HURT ME HUH?!'' I screamed as fiere started surrounding me, He called the guards as they both tackled me to the ground. They lifted me up by the arms and had a tight grip on me so I wouldn't exscape at all, I struggled getting out of their grip but it was no use.

''Well you see Shiquena since you all wanted to be smart and kill some of us I will kill you all and prove you that you can't win from us and I'm gonna kill them all while making you watch'' He said into my face, he turned around telling the guards to bring me to a other roomthat he called the PlayRoom. I highly doubt that there's anything to play with in that room, they threw me inside of the room and tied me to the ceiling. The lights went on as I saw Jacob walking to me with Lylah by his side and a table in the corner with all kind of knifes and weapons.

''It's time to play shall we?'' he said as he picked up one of the knives making his way to me, before I could even proccess what was happening I was stabbed in the side of my stomach. tears started rolling down my face as he kept on stabbing me in the stomach, I felt a burning sensation onto my back and heard a whipping sound. I assume Lylah kept whipping my back with a whip as Jacob kept stabbing me over and over again over my body. Jacob but the knife down and grabbed a old rusty dagger tracing it on my jawline as more tears kept going down my face, Lylah stopped whipping my back and walked out of the room leaving me alone with Jacob. He slit my cheek with the dagger and stabbed me in the arm, I screamed in agony as he walked away and placed the rusty old dagger back onto the table. He walked back to me and placed his hand onto my cheek forcing me to look at him, I felt disgusted by his touch on my skin I only want Calum to touch me.

''*sighs* such a waste that I'll have to kill you sooner or later but oh well... I will enjoy it too'' He said before roughly placing his lips onto mine, when I didn't kiss back he pushed one of his fingers into my wounds making me scream in pain giving him the chance to put his tongue into my mouth. I struggled to get out of his grip as he kept pushing his finger deeper and deeper into my cut making me sob against his lips, after what felt forever he unattached his lips from mine and cut down the rope and walking out of the room. When the door closed I started sobbing even more, I layed down onto the ground as my body was aching. I closed my eyes with tears streaming down my face, I kept thinking about Calum hoping that he would find me and that he was safe. I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about my mate coming to rescue me.

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