chapter 5

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~ skip the whole party and everyone going to bed part~

Shiquena's P.O.V

I was still wide awake while everyone was sleeping my mind was racing like crazy with questions why didn't he tell me before? Why did my parents hid the fact that I had another older brother? Why didn't Justin tell me Calum is my brother? Do the other boys also know that Calum is my brother? But the most important question that kept floating through my head was where did he go after I turned 5? Like what happend to him? I turned over seeing Arzaylea peacefully sleeping while snorring a little bit I looked at my alarmclock and read the time it said 1:38 am Ugh! I heard my stomach growl a bit I got out of bed and carefully tiptoed to the door trying not the wake Arzaylea, I softly closed the door behind me making my way to the kitchen in the dark thank God I have night vision or else I would've fallen a million times and woken everybody up when I reached the bottom step I heard some rustling coming from the kitchen I carefully made my way to the kitchen for if it's a burglar when I reached the kitchen and turned on the lights I could see Calum standing by the fridge with a bloodbag in his hand.

''Hey'' He lazily smiled at me wtih blood all over his big juicy plump lips oh God at this moment I'm not thirsty for blood no I'm thirsty for his big lips! But I kept my cool and casually made my way to Calum grabbing another bloodbag from the fridge pulling Calum aside and closing the fridge I quickly drank the blood as Calum was still slowly drinking enjoying each drop he could get in his mouth he softly started moaning a bit because of the blood, and I have to admit the bloodbags that we have in the house are pretty delicious when he was done his lips kinda parted showing his beautiful pearly bloody white fangs he took my bloodbag and threw them away before making his way towards me since I was sitting on the counter of the Island he decided to stand between my legs wrapping his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck.

''So tell me why did you leave us Calum"?I asked him he looked down for a bit before locking eyecontact with me he started telling me the whole story while I closely listend to every word this beautiful vampire infront of me said at the end of his story he had tears in his eyes I quickly pulled him in for a hug I let go of the hug and gave him a kiss I placed my hands on his cheeks as he lifted me off the counter with his hands underneath my thighs cupping them I know it's wrong to kiss your own brother but he's also my mate so I can't really help my feelings for him and neither can he he walked up the stairs into his bedroom and closed it with his foot by softly kicking it shut  he gently placed me on his bed, when he did that we both felt some shuffling next to me on my left our heads quickly snapped to the left and saw Niall sleeping our eyes widend in shock crap! We forgot that calum is staying in Niall's room and since Niall only has one bed and doesn't want anyone to sleep on the ground or couch he decided that the both of them sleep on the bed Calum got off of me and layed down on my right near the edge but also not really he went under the blankets pulling it up signaling me to climb in with him. I climbed in and snuggled against his bare chest as our legs were tangled up with each other he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me even closer to his chest resting his chin on the top of my head and letting a happy sigh escape his mouth I kissed his jaw snuggled back into his warm chest and closed my eyes I slowly started dozing off to sleep by listening to Calum's relaxing breathing I know it sounds weird he does breath air he doesn't need to but he wants to and since he doesn't have a heartbeat what else am I supposed to listen to huh? His....Nothing?! Exactly so don't judge me for listening to his breathing honey! * Fingersnap*

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