Extras: Dad's Turn

Start from the beginning

"Where are we supposed to meet Mama?" ask Chris as we walk out of the locker room. 

"The back door." I answer simply continuing to text on my phone. Zac is having some sort of crisis about what tie he needs to wear for his press conference tomorrow. Right as I'm about to hit send to tell him to wear the blue one I run flat into the wall. "Owwwuch." I whine rubbing my nose in pain. Christen's obnoxious giggling fill my ears. I turn to her angrily and slap her arm hard. "Why didn't you tell me there was a wall there?! You're such a meanie!" She continues to laugh at me making me even more annoyed. A door opens next to us and Mama comes out. She gives us a confused look before walking over. "Mama, Christen is being mean!" I accuse pointing at her. Mama shakes her head still coming to us. She gets to me grabs my chin.

"What happened to your  nose?" she questions while looking at it. "Christen Annemarie you didn't hit her again did you?" She lets go of my face and then turns around to look at the still giggling forward. Mama raises one of her eyebrows causing her to stop and be quiet. "Did you hit your sister?" ask Mama again.

Christen furiously shakes her head no, "No ma'am! She ran into the wall because she was texting!" Mama sighs and looks back at me.

"Really? You were texting?" I sheepishly nod my head. She holds her hand out wanting my phone so I sadly give it to her. If I argue with her I may go home without it and I'd rather that not happen. "C'mon let's go home kids." She takes my backpack from my shoulder and puts it on her own. She grabs my hand with her free one and starts to walk us down the hallway to the door. "Chris come here please." She obeys and Mama ask her to put her and my phone in my backpack. Once she does Mama takes her hand in her other one and takes a deep breath. "We're not talking to anyone. We're just going to the car. Brian said he's just outside so we should be able to just hop in and go. Everybody understand?" We both nod so Mama motions to Christen to open the door. She pushes it open and Mama drags us to Brian's waiting car and shoves us in faster than a reporter can get out a question. She gets in the front seat and gets herself settled. "Put your seat belts on please." 

"Hey darling." smiles Daddy leaning over in the driver's seat to give Mama a kiss. "How was the game?"

"It was good like always." answers Mama taking a water bottle from the center console. She opens it a drinks some of it before handing it back to Christen and I. "You two share that." 

Christen takes it and drinks a big gulp before saying, "Daddy I scored a goal!" He smiles still looking at the road. 

"You did?" he ask trying to sound surprised. "I think that calls for celebration."

"Babe." says Mama sending  him a look. "She's a professional soccer player. She's supposed to score. It's her job. Her doing her job does not mean she needs to be rewarded with some insane amount of sugar."

"It's still a really good thing Carli, and I haven't seen the girls in a month so I'm going to be treating them whether you approve or not." he says sounding sort of snappy back. Keeping his eyes on the road he turns his attention back to Christen, "How do Dip'N'Dots sound Princess?"

"Great! Thanks Daddy!" beams Pressy obviously very excited. Normally with Mama sugar is outlawed so this is a real treat. 

"No problem sugar plum." Chris giggles at the nick name. Dad drives us through the drive through on the way to his and Carli's little house and gets Christen a medium mint chocolate chip, me a small cookies and cream, and himself a large chocolate to probably share with Mama. "We'll put these in the freezer and have them after supper okay?" Chris and I both groan. "You guys have to eat some real food first sillies. You know that."

"Oh alright." I pout. He smiles at me through the rear view as we pull into the driveway.  I rush out and race Christen to the door beating her by 2.3 seconds. "Haha!" I tease sticking out my tongue. 

"I scored tonight." she states matter of factly while crossing her arms. I frown at her making her smirk. Mama unlocks the door so she struts past me into the house. I wait for her to get a good ways into the house before silently mocking her. Daddy chuckles and puts his arm around my shoulder. 

"Easy there Tiger." he says kissing the top of my head. "Don't be jealous. You'll get one of your own soon and even if you don't you're always going to be my favorite defender in the whole wide world." Daddy always knows how to make me feel better. I rest my head on his shoulder as we walk into the house. We have baked chicken, vegetables, and to Mama's dislike, boxed macaroni and cheese. I help Dad clean up the kitchen afterwards while Mama and Chris go to pick out a movie for us to all watch. When we finish cleaning Dad gives me my ice cream and my spoon. He takes his and Christen's to living room. CP comes bouncing into the room with Pitch Perfect 2 in her hands. Mama follows behind not looking as thrilled with the choice. Daddy and I laugh at her as Christen excitedly puts in the DVD. She uses the remote to skip straight to the menu and then punches play. She grabs her dessert off the coffee table  and then sits down next to me on the sofa cross legged. I move myself to Dad's lap and curl up making myself comfortable. I close my eyes and lean on his chest as he draws circles on my outer thigh with his finger absentmindedly. 

-After The Movie-

"No Car, I've got her. Just open the door." I slowly blink my eyes open to see what's going on. Daddy is carrying me to my room I think. I see his face start to turn down so I quickly squeeze my eyes shut pretending to still be asleep. After a few more steps I feel myself being lowered down before being placed on a soft bed. Dad covers me up and then kisses my forehead. I know it's him because I can feel his scratchy chin. "Goodnight Tiger. Daddy loves you." Mama kisses me next, but on the temple.

"I know you're awake." she whispers very softly. "I won't tell Daddy though. Goodnight sweet pea. I love you." Footsteps sound and the door slides closed so I open my eyes. I look to my side expecting to see Christen but instead find the other half of the bed empty. She must be sleeping on the couch. I don't blame her because I kick a lot. Hehe. I roll over on my stomach and get in my starfish stance before closing my eyes and drifting back off to sleep. 

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