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hey hey now welcome to yet another book written by yours truly.... Enjoy


Today was the first day of school and I had made sure that I was up and out of the house in a timely mannor. I was starting a new school this year seeing as me and mom had moved yet again because I had got sent to Juvie and kicked out of my old school in Shruseberry,MA. Now we've moved to New Lenox, IL and I had to attend this school called Scottway South. It was my senior year and mom practically threatened me to at least try to be good and I replied with my famous words

"I make no promises."

So here I was walking down the hallyways to my new school and made a beeline straight to the main office. There was a chick at the front desk, she was young and look the most bit of a snoty stuck up woman that didn't like her job.

"Alexandrite Jules, I'm new here." I stated picking at my short nails.

She just kept clicking away at her computer as if I wasn't standing there and spoke to her. I slammed my hands down on the desk and let out a laugh as the woman jumped and looked at me with startled eyes.

"My name is Alexandrite Jules and I'm new here." I replied slowly so she would understand me.

"O-one second."The woman stuttered out and began clicking at the keyboard.

Not long after was she handing me my schedule and telling me to have a nice day. I snorted on my way out of the office and ran right into this short girl with long blonde hair.

"So-" I started when she made eye contact with me and squealed.

"Oh my gosh! you're so freaking cute, you must be new here!" She said in a rush as her cheeks turned red of embarrassment.

"Um." I said scratching my short hair, completely loss for words.

"Welcome to our school cutie, I'll see you around." She chirped before skipping off.

"Well fuck, they think I'm a dude." I thought as I went in search for my first hour class.


Boom... prologue done... working on the first chappie.. hope I can get it out soon.

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