In the meting....🙃........

"So the plan is we walk around the territory and if you see or smell Hope you link us right away. If she is we go in Josh you will go in first, because you know her sent best, and she won't freak out if she sees you." Everyone nodded there head. "Ok let's do this, we leave tomorrow I will tell you if anything changes."


"Stop touching me." I swear this guy wants to lose some body parts. "You know what?"

"What?" He said finally moving away to the other side of the room.

"I am hungry can you go get me some food." He turned around looking pissed off at me.

"We can go later." He went back to the closet looking for god knows what.

"But I am hungry." He finally found a white shirt and put it on.

"So you go." He walked back over to the bed grabbing my hand going to kiss it. I got up as fast as I can. His touch makes me want to throw up.

I looked around as I was walking, it looked the same but different. The walls were white and now are gray, with black. Then I saw a wall that had a picture of me and one of my mom. Under the pictures it said we love and miss you our lost Luna and daughter. As I was walking he showed up.

"Well there is my pride and joy." I looked behind me.

"Where?" I know for a damn fact he was not talking about me.

"Ok then I will just say it. Do you know a Cindy from that pack the Alphas sister?" ( wait did Max call my dad?)

"Um yeah she is a nice girl why?" I knew they wouldnt take long to figure it out. Max is smart.

"She went missing, they will be here in two weeks to look." I can wait two weeks as long as it's not two months or worse two years.

🌑that night🌑

"Babe, are you okay?" I nodded my head not looking at him. I put my hands on my stomach. "I'm sorry." I turned and looked at him. He put a hand on my shoulder and I dropped my hands. I looked into his gray eyes.

"Look I just care about you, and I don't want you to think I'm going to hurt you." I looked over his shoulder and saw a clock. This is around the time Max and Josh are in the office.

"Ok I get that can I have my phone to call my job, and tell them that I won't be coming in." He reaches into his back pocket.

"Yeah you can have it back. Thanks." I took it and walked to the bathroom and locked the door. I called Josh hoping that he is not sleeping, and for once in his office. It rang a couple times but no answer. So the next best thing.

"Hope?" He answered his voice sounded like he is tired.

Max thank the goddess you picked up.

Hope were are you, are you hurt?" I looked at the door, expecting someone to come in.

No I'm fine.
(Someone came closer to the door.)

Look I told your dad we would be there in two weeks but we are coming tomorrow. (I took a deep breath.)

Ok what can I do?

Is there someone watching you.
( The person walked away and slammed a door.)

Yeah his name is Nick.

Ok well get him to take you to the north side of the woods by the border we can get him down and get you. (I sat down on the floor.) Hope


what's he like. (I smiled Max always made me feel better.)

Well he is soon to be Alpha, he looks weak, and he is vary clinging and the worst part he keeps calling me babe. (Max laughed at the word babe.)

That must be horrible and he does not sound like, he is made to be an Alpha.
(I laughed a little.)

That's what I thought.

Night hope.

Night Max.

Hope are you still on. I just wanted to say night and I love you. (I made a weak smile.)

I love you too Josh.

I will see you tomorrow. (With that I hung up and walked out of the bathroom. Nick walked back into the room.

"Well what did work says?" He said sitting on the bed.

"They said they will get someone to cover my shifts." I gave him a weak smiled. I turned off my phone and put it on a shelf.

"Ok that's good." He took off his shoes. Putting them nicely on the floor.

"So what are the plans for tomorrow?" He walked over to me and hugged me from behind.

"We can do whatever you want." I nodded my head. He put his face in my neck.

"Can we go for a walk in the woods." He kissed my neck.

"Sure." He then let me go.

"Great I need some fresh air." He walked to the small bed and sat down.

"There is a little trail on the north side we can take." I nodded my head. Then I got ready for bed it was hard but I fell asleep.


March 7 , 2006
"I just got off the phone with Hope. How she got her phone I have know idea." Josh nodded his head.
"When they start walking she will tell us and then we will go to the border it. will just be her and a wolf male named Nick." I looked around the group of men.

"We get Hope away from Nick and take him into our custody. Then bring him here to find out who his parents are so we can send him there." I looked at our warriors. Some were looking at me, other at Josh. "Than Josh will bring Hope to the house in Iowa so they won't Be able to find her. Does everyone get it."

"Yes Alpha." Everyone in the room said. "You are all dismissed." I stopped Josh before he left. "Josh."

"Yeah." He looked at the book in his hand.

"Hope what did she tell you?"

"That she missed me."

"Ok but was her voice different?" Josh looked to the window.

"Yeah it sounded like she was trying to be quiet." I looked him in the eyes.

"Like In case someone was listening to her conversation. Like she said she was going to call someone but called us." I smiled to myself. I'm glade I trained that girl. "She's good."

Hope Is all I NeedWhere stories live. Discover now