Best Friends?

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Soarin walked down stairs and out the front door. Smiling with every step. He turned right, heading toward the play ground. It was only about a 5 minute walk, so it wasn't long. Rainbow was already their, despite the fact that Soarin had headed out about 20 minutes early! So that 1.) He could get out of having to talk to his parents, at least for the time being. He wanted to have a little time to get his thoughts together, no ware near the way they actually were. In his head they might as well have been a blob of spaghetti! And 2.) he didn't want to be late!

Soon the play ground came into view. His eyes instantly went to a board looking rainbow maned Pegasus sitting on the bench.
Wow I guess I'm not the only one who decided to get hear early! he thought to himself as he trotted up to her her.

"Hey!" Soarin greeted. Rainbow looked up. "Hi. I tthoughhht you wererenn't goinggg to be here ffor a whillle." "I thought the same thing for you why are you here so early?" Rainbow Dash was silent. She shrugged and looked away. "Well?" Soarin asked after a long pause. "I didn'tss wannt ttto go hoomme." She said after a long awkward pause. "Why?" Soarin questioned. "Its-s-s non-n o-of your-r b-bus-s-siness-s-s-s why!!" Rainbow dash suddenly yelled! Suprizingly none of the other foals or ponies for that matter, seemed to hear her! That or they couldn't understand her in the first place. Either way it was clear Rainbow didn't want to talk.

"Okokokoko, OK!" Soarin said not wanting to push it further. Mostly out of fear of loosing her trust if he hadn't already. "Well do you want to get started on our project?" He said quickly trying to change the subject. "Fine." Rainbow replied flatly. "Ok" Soarin exclaimed with a smile hoping to cheer her up. "Come on!" Soarin said pulling Rainbow off the bench. "Ware should we work on our project?!" "How-w abboutt on the side-e wa-al-lk?" She said pointing a hoof next to the shaded picnic tables. "Alright that works!" Soarin replied. Rainbow grabbed her dirty looking saddle bags and slung it onto her back before trotting over to meet Soarin.

Soarin had already begun spreading out the supplies. "Here!" Soarin said. Offering her a sandwich. Rainbow quickly snatched it and took a bite. Soarin said nothing but instead just shrugged it off. "Ok what should we do our project on?" Soarin asked. "Wonder-bolts!!!" Rainbow exclaimed stars appearing in her eyes! Soarin grinned. "I should have known." He said with a smile and shaking his head. After tapping into the wifi and searching the net. They came up with all their facts as to how the Wonderbolts came to be the great areal flying team they are today!
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-Their were 7 pegisi in the original squad.
-Commander Easy Glider was the wonderbolts Choreographer and those methods are still used today!
-Princess Celestia's favorite flight pattern is called the sun salutation.
-EUP guard stands for Earth ponies Unicorns and pegasus!
-However their was no need for the guard before the princess luna and celestia were divide, it was after that the typhoons were formed! It was then, Firefly created an areal fight group!
-After the first year of peace General Firefly led the group of 7 arial flyers to perform for the celebration. It was then general firefly named the unique flying group the wonder bolts!
-Carnal purple dart was the wonderbolts leader in the 4th celestia era.

"I think that's enough facts. What do you think?" Soarin asked as he scribbled, Them on the flash cards. "K!" Was all Rainbow said, as she carefully drew the outline of the wonderbolts symbol at the top of the poster! "Wow! That looks amazing! I didn't know you could draw!" Soarin commented. Rainbow beamed at the praise! "T-their!" Rainbow stated, leaning back to examine her work. She was beaming ear to ear with pride! "Wow!" Soarin said. "Do you think we should draw some of the wonderbolts on their too?!?" He asked. "Suree!" Rainbow lisped.

  "Ok let's draw rapidfire and firefly!" Rainbow nodded in response before jumping up! "NO! NOTT FFIRRE flyi!" "What!?!Why? Firefly's my favorite Wonderbolt!!!" Soarin yelled! "No!!!" Rainbow yelled. "She's mmeann!" "How would you know, you've never met her!?!?" Soarin yelled! Rainbow burst into tears. "Sshe's my Mom! An-nd NOTT verry nicce!"

Rainbow cried and Soarin got quiet. "I'm sorry." Soarin said after a long pause. He quietly put a hoof on the shoulder of a sobbing Rainbow Dash. He leaned over hugging her. "I'm sorry I upset you." Soarin said quietly. His thoughts kept going back to the conversation he overheard his parents having over the phone. "I'm really sorry Rainbow." Soarin said. "How about we do Spitfire instead?" He asked hugging her, Rainbow turned and nodded her head into Soarin's soft coat. It kept tickling her mussel as she snuggled into him.

"Here!" Soarin said leaning over to pull something out of his bag. He pulled out the plushi and handed it to Rainbow. She looked at it. "You can have it! I brought it for you!" Soarin said with a smile. Rainbow eyed him with a teary eyed, doubtful look. "Keep him! Rainbow, he's one of my favorites! And I have others. I wanted you to have him!" He said

Rainbow looked at him that at Rapid Fire. She smiled "Thanks." She said clearly this time! Soarin smiled, that was one of the words he helped her with. "Your welcome." soarin replied "friends?" Soarin asked. "Frriiendsss" Rainbow Dash replied. Soarin smiled and they hugged each other. Both happy that they finally had some pony who they knew cared about them and was a friend.

"Their hugging lightning!?!? Their hugging, what's going on!!" "Ugh!" lightning groaned at his wife's antics. "Not again!"

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