The Gift

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"Hi Rainbow Dash!" Soarin said cheekily flashing her a goofy grin. Rainbow responded by turning her back to face him, and let a low growl of frustration. "Rainbow?" Soarin asked. Rainbow growled louder this time. "What!?!? Why can't you leave me alone like every pony els!?!?" She looked to be on the verge of tears now. She turned away from Soarin. "Rainbow." Soarin stated softly. " I want to be your friend. And I don't care how many times you tell me to leave! I know why you push me. And always yell at me. It's because your scared and your all alone. And that hurts. I know it does. I know it hurts to be alone."

"N-N-NO! Why c-can't you l-l-leav-ve me a-alone! I'm be-be-better off -f-f
f-w-without youu! I d-d-don't need-d y-you!" She yelled struggling to form the words. She now had tears running down her face. She ran outside as fast as her little legs would carry her. "Rainbow!" Soarin yelled out. Running after her. Soarin darted out the door and into the playground. Mrs.Windith just stared at the swaying door, trying to reflect upon the possible information she may have just gotten about Rainbow's home situation. "RAINBOW?!?" He called but he didn't see her anywhere. He herd a sniffle behind him, and went around to the back of the slide. He found Rainbow curled up in a little ball hiding behind the slide sobbing.

Soarin went over and put a hoof on her shoulder "n-n-n-NO!" Rainbow Dash yelled pushing him away. She couldn't take it anymore. She cried her heart out, like she was a 2 month old foal. Soarin sat next to her and rubbed her back. "No!" Rainbow said trying to get anywhere as long as Soarin wasn't their. She couldn't let him see her cry! She just couldn't! Rainbow tried to run but Soarin pulled her into a hug. She didn't even fight him anymore. He hugged her tightly as rainbow sobbed into his chest. Mrs.Windith came out and heard crying. She trotted over to the slide and found Rainbow Dash and Soarin. "What are you dong!?! Running off like that! Come on its time to start class! And it's starting to rain. I demand you two come inside this instant and give me an explanation!" Mrs.windith scolded. Rainbow Dash peeked out at her teacher but then buried her head into Soarin's chest. Mrs.Windith sighed but gave a gentle smile " Why don't you two go into the pod and calm down. You can take a little nap on one of the cots or color. How about today you two just take a break. I now know it's not just one of you who has been having a thought time lately."

She said with a gentle and encouraging smile. They all trotted into the class room only to find all the students were now here, and were staring at them with curious eyes. Rainbow turned and pushed her face into Soarin's side to try to hide the tears. "Okay class!" Mrs.Windith said holding the pod door open as Rainbow Dash and Soarin trotted inside. "Today we will learn about our spacing sense! we will learn the benefits of having it and how to control it- " all the sound was cut off as the door shut. They were now in a small, quite room with cots set up under the table, and some coloring arts and crafts supplies. Their was also a small book shelf.

Soarin looked under the table to see that Rainbow Dash had crawled under, and was laying on a cot with a blanket. Soarin crawled under the table and sat next to her. Rainbow turned and refused to look at him. "Rainbow-" "Thiss I-is y-y-y-youuurrr f-f-falt!"She yelled "T-t-They areee a-a-already m-meann to m-me n-n-now-w y-y-you've mad-de a f-f-fool of m-mee for-r-r c-c-crying whyyy c-c-c-can't-t you l-leave mee a-a-alone!" She interrupted sobbing. "I'm sorry I wasn't trying to hurt you, I promise. I just always see you all by yourself and you always look pained and alone. I know those bullies are mean. They are to me too! But they don't matter! The ponies that matter, are the ponies who care about you! I just wanted to be your friend."

"NO! I w-w-will n-n-never bee y-y-your-r f-f-f-friend! I d-don't-t n-n-need y-y-you! I t-tolds you beforee I d-d-d-don't n-n-need y-youu!" The filly screamed through tears. Soarin felt crushed. "You don't mean that." Soarin said quietly as he litterly felt his heart break into a thousand pieces. Soarin was quite but then he spoke. "well yeah? Guess what?!" Soarin said. "It doesn't matter if you want to be my friend because weather you like it or not I'm yours! And theirs nothing you can do to stop that! Besides, I made this for you!" Soarin said he pulled out a bracelet. It was made of 6 diffrent colored strings. All of witch were braided together to form the bracelet, and along each string at some point was a beed matching the string. They hung down like charms. They were every color of the rainbow, and matched the pattern of her mane perfectly.

He picked up rainbows hoof and put it on before she had a chance to pull away. Rainbow retracted her hoof and stared at it. Then her necklace. Rainbow said nothing. She looked at Soarin Before looking away. "Do you like it?" Soarin asked. Rainbow looked at him then at the bracelet but said nothing. Soarin bit his lip, and picked up a pack of crayons and a book. "Want to color a rocket ship with me or read a book? This ones about the wonderbolts!" He said offering her a smile. How did he know I liked the wonderbolts? Rainbow Dash thought "I-I c-c-can-nt r-read v-v-ver-r-y w-w-well-l." She stuttered struggling to reply. Soarin smiled now he was finally getting some ware. "that's okay I can help you." He said flashing her a goofy grin Rainbow couldn't help the small smile creeping its way on her face.

Okay I was worried about Rainbow Dash always being so isolated. That's why I've been doing all the group activities! To try to help her get to know some of the other students! As for Soarin I was doing more education on bully awareness, but it seems neither of these approaches are working. But if all goes well these two might be just what they need. Friends. However what soarin said does bring up some possible red flags. If something is going on at home, that is making her feel insecure or is difficult. It could surly be why she acts like this in school. The isolation, and lashing out. Could whatever possibly be going on at home still be affecting her at school? I think I need to look into this, and contact both of their parents.

Mrs.Windith snapped out of her thoughts, and looked over her students all scribbling away. Working busily on their essay's about their spacing sense. She went into the pod and watched Rainbow Dash and Soarin under the table. Soarin was helping Rainbow to catch up on her reading skills. Mrs.Windith smiled. "Ok good but try not to stutter so much, so it's easier for other ponies to understand you. First think in your mind what the word is going to sound like. Then sound it out. Then say it normally or however many times it takes to get it to sound right. It may be hard but that's the only way your ever going to get better. By learning the hard words and not giving up!" Rainbow smiled " r-r-rap-pid-d f-fi-ire-e R-rap-pid fire-r Rap-pid fire Rapid fire!" Rainbow Dash grinned. Mrs.Windith smiled and the bell rang indicating that the school day was now over.

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