Another day

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Soarin trotted up along the cloud surface with a smile on his face. He looked up at his mom who smiled "glad to see your finally happy about going to school! Any fun activities planned today?" "No." soarin replied "hhhhmmmmm" his Mom thought trying to find a reason for her son to be happy. It was always a struggle to get him out the door. He was always afraid of what the bullies would do to humiliate him. His mom smiled. "Did those bullies finally figure out what they did was wrong and apologize?" "NO!"Soarin said bluntly his smile turning into a frown.

His mom bit her lip, had she gone to far? Bullying was always a very sensitive topic. Soarin never talked about the bullies or about school anymore. She and her husband Lightning Clash thought it was getting better, until they had their last parent teacher conference. Things had gotten worse, much worse. When ever they tried to confront their son, he would change the subject or completely blow them off. He would often lock himself up in his room when he got home and cry. Sometimes he stayed in their for hours. Even up into the evening hours. Soarin was walking along a long narrow shadow being cast from the top of the school yard fence carefully he kept his eyes on the ground being sure to only step on the shadow giggling every time he almost lost his balance and fell over.

Okay today's the day! I will give rainbowdash the present I made for her! I don't care what the bullies say or do!They should be nice! They can mess with me all they want, but I'm sick and tired of them being mean to Rainbow. Just because she can't talk well and isn't a good flyer! She may not like it, but I'm going to be her friend weather she likes it or not! Soarin thought to himself with a determined look.

The entrance to the school was just around the corner, when up ahead he noticed a shadow moving out of the corner of his eye. He looked up and saw Rainbow Dash passing through the play ground making her way to the door. "Mom?" Soarin asked suddenly. "Yes honey?" Clear responded after being snapped out of her thoughts. "Can I go the rest of the way by myself please? I need to hurry!" the colt exclaimed "Um oka- "K THANKS MOM!" The colt interrupted yelling over his shoulder, making a bee line as he darted to the door.

Clear stared in disbelief . Red flags were going off in her head! Soarin opened his class room door and quickly scanned the room with his eyes quickly catching sight of the rainbow maned cyan filly. "Rainbow!?!" He exclaimed happily quickly trotting up to her. "Wow soarin your here early school doesn't start for another 45 minutes!" his teacher Mrs.Windith replied. Soarin ignored her and trotted up to Rainbow Dash sitting in a bean bag chair. She was looking at a necklace she held in her hooves. Rainbow eyed him out of the corner of her eye before turning back to her necklace. She pretended she hadn't noticed him.

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