"lay down girl, sleep already" he ruffled my hair and sat on the bean bag beside my couch, and I supported my jaw with my hands to face him

"I'm not sleepy" I scrunched my nose and he smiled

"that you are never" he pulled my nose

"she'll be okay by tomorrow, I guess" I winked

"She's so crazy" he shook his head and I shrugged my shoulders

"You aren't sleepy?" He asked again, and I simply nodded in no, "okay! Lay down we can talk" he put his water bottle aside him on the ground and made me lay down on the couch, I rested my head on the arm rest and cuddled with pillow

"Um! So!!!" I smiled at him, to let him continue with his gossips

"Let's talk about you" he said smiling at me

"Me" I laughed, "you already know a lot about me"

"Some basic things, like your favorite color, favorite food---" he was counting on his fingers and I cut off in between

"Blue is my favorite color" I smiled toothily

"Why not green?" He frowned

"Of course I love your eye color" I tickled his tummy and he giggled

Harry's POV

We talked for about half an hour, while gossiping about favorite cheese rolls to talking about pets and silly childhood memories she didn't realize when she just fell asleep, she was blinking her lashes just before she fell asleep like a baby and that she didn't want to sleep and she just wanted to have more gossips, but to her luck her eyes shut down and she fell asleep in no time. I couldn't helped myself to go away from her, I just wanted to stay there beside her forever, I was thinking to myself while looking at her little self who was cuddling with the pillow for warmth, I just wanted to embrace her in my arms. I went to my room quickly where everyone was asleep now and I picked up my comforter for her, I put my comforter on her so that she can stay warm. She cuddled with comforter too, I smiled at her in awe that she's so innocent like a baby, but she's my baby. As she nuzzles her face in comforter her hair strands falls on her face, I brushed it back with my finger smoothly, and I leaned over to plant a soft kiss to her cheek without her knowing, she was mumbling something to herself in her sleep which I didn't get, but I replied her anyways "yes I love you"

"Harry!!" Louis interrupted in between from behind me, I did not know that he was standing there the whole time or maybe he cought up right on time, I quickly stood up and looked at him, my mouth opened to say something, but I had no words because he was so shocked

"Um! Loui,... it was just..." I started stuttering and I was totally out of words, because I didn't know how much of it he was observing and what should I say

"You said you love her? Right?" He said in a low voice so that her sleep may not get disturbed, folding his arms near his chest he came near me raising his eyebrows and waiting for me to utter something

"Yes I do" I said while looking down at my feet, I was not able to eye contact with him of what he must be thinking about me that I didn't even share this with my best friend

"Don't worry I'm not judging you" he patted my shoulders strongly and assured me that he's a true friend, I hugged him chuckling

"dumb head you think I had no idea about it, I kinda knew from first day, but I wanted to give you space so that you can feel comfortable in telling me, but you took so long" he nodded his head at me and glanced at Jasmin who was in deep sleep, not knowing anything about our surrounding

"I am so glad, .. but you know that its so complicated" I said in a low voice

"It isn't" Louis nodded in no

"She's Muslim and I'm Christian, we have no match at all, she's so religious and pure like her religion, we can't be together,.. We are different" I speak all my heart out which I was thinking about her and us from the beginning when I started to like her when she was first assigned as our personal assistant and then our tour manager, I loved her at first meeting already, she was different from every other girl, I didn't wanted to go closer to any other girl since the day I've met Jasmin, I feel different and important when I'm around her, I don't know the air feels so different when I'm talking to her, her laugh and her tears feels so important to me. And whenever she feels so weak I want to help her I want to be with her to move forward I don't want her to fight with her anxiety all alone, I want to be her strength.

"I know how you feel, but from inside we're same, it doesn't matter to love that our religions and sects are different, it just happens and all of sudden you realize that you are not you anymore but them" Louis tried to calm the chaos in my mind

"But its not the right time to reveal her about my affection to her" I said while looking at the sleeping Jasmin

"When you feel like, then just tell her" Louis patted my back and smiled at me and I nodded understandingly

"Sweet dreams my girl" I then whispered in her ear and she curled up into the comforter

Truly Sincere [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now