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OMG guys Tetley hurt herself! She kicked out the window in the trailer and she cut her legs and hock pretty bad. ( we went to a show 4 hours away from home on tues, and came back yesterday. Lots of blood as well all over the trailer. But, she's walking sound and she's fine it just hurts so much for her. As soon as I looked at the text on my moms phone, I started bawling!!! My mom didn't even know because once in awhile I had to check her messages because she was driving on our way to the campsite where we were staying for the horse show. And I had to wait a little bit before telling her because I couldn't even speak!!!!! But then I found out she was walking sound so that was a relief. But, it hurt a lot for her! Apparently when we have her needles she hates them, so she almost reared right in front of me and almost killed someone. Nobody was hurt though so that's good. Also, we jumped on Friday and it was good but yesterday she was a little lame. So, she got hurt on tues, she was walking sound. And Friday or thurs she was sore on her bum. And yesterday she got a bit lame so I could show. And I c ant even ride her today I'm going to see her today so maybe I can get pix of her! I really want to see her again even though I saw her 24/7 all week lol! And, I helped her get through everything, not trying to be cocky, but I kept on talking to her when her bandages were being done ( because her legs really hurt she hated it when we changed it we had to tranquilizer her that's how bad she was! ) I hated that part but starting Thursday, we didn't have to tranquilize her. Yay!!!! So that meant I was going to show on Friday! Buuuut we couldn't jump. So I only did a walk trot equitation. I had trouble at that, there were so much ponies in that class, and it was so bad, when we were supposed to be trotting, I had to walk because no joke, I was going to run into this little white pony!! Lol!!! And that's what ruined my place but who cares, it's just practice I don't care what place I get, God chooses and that's what he has chosen. Sorry if it seems like a lot I will stop here but I will update in more chapters because damn this is long!!!

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