Chapter 6

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Time skip to the morning

Eren's pov

"hey Eren!!" I turn round slowly.

"Yeah?" I immediately realised that it was my 'friend' Armin calling me. I think he was only friends with me to get to know Mikasa.


It's been so long.

"H-how are you?" Armin sounded extremely out of breath.

"Not bad, not bad. You?" I started kicking a rock around.

"Yeah, I'm cool, where do you wanna hang?" He leaned over to catch his breath.


"Yeah, you know, where do you wanna hang out?" Armin's stomach started vibrating and making grumbling noises.

"It doesn't sound like something you would say"

"Urm, sorry?" Armin was checking his pockets for any food he could eat.

"It's ok, I just...never mind"

"Ok then," Armin decided eating his nails was better than eating nothing.

"What are you, doing?" I looked at him with a disgusted look on my face.

"Sorry, I'm just hungry!!" He looked at me with big eyes.

I chuckled loudly "oh Armin, you crack me an egg"

"Oh Eren, that was terrible"

"Really? I think it was a smashing joke!"

"Oh, no, oh..."

"Oh, did I say joke? I meant to say YOLK!!"

"EREN! Please stop!!!" Armin was pleading with his hands, showing me how crap my jokes actually are.

"Fine, alright. Fancy nipping to the shops? I know you are hungry!"

"Please, that'd be great, thanks Eren! "

Time skip to when they are at the shop

Levi's pov

Ogh, this is going to be hard.

I decided to read over the documents again and realised there was a picture.

"Hmm" I recognised this guy, but where from?

I yawned and scratched my jet black hair. Well I'd better get moving.

I stretched and began on my way to the shop to grab some breakfast.

I think I'll have enough for a loaf and some cheese. That'll do for a meal.

Third person pov

It was a bright morning, the sun was shining and smiling, as two adolescent boys strolled into the local shop to pick up some breakfast, or so it appeared.

There was also a boy of a similar age walking with care to the same position.

He seemed to check around each corner he went around.

People who noticed would just shrug and continue on their way, doing their thing.

He also seemed to have a piece of metal in his hand, as when he came into the light now and again, the object in his hand would catch the sun and gleam.

Who knows if he's doing something important?

PacifistTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang