Chapter 3

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Eren's pov

"Armin, are you ok?" I reached down and held out my hand to Armin.

"Yeah, thanks to you. Anyways, we'd better go...agh!!" Armin was cut short as I grabbed his collar to stop him from walking away.

" You have a LOT of explaining to do mate."

Armin sighed and turned back to face me.

"First off, what's this 'contract' you were talking to him about?" I stared at him. I was deadly serious.

"Haven't you heard? Levi is shady dude. He calls himself a 'sweeper' where he'll go around killing off people that have done wrong. y'know, so I asked him to protect me, in a sense."

"Enter contract" I sighed sarcastically.

"Y-yeah! I asked him to protect me in exchange for food, water and a place for him to stay. He never got close to anyone though...I can tell you that much."

"Hmm...ok, who is he" I asked curiously as I stares off into the distance.

"Levi ackerman. A boy of physical strength and mental strength. I don't think I've ever seen him change his serious expression! He's super tough and people get afraid if he walks onto your territory" he leaned towards me and cupped his mouth with his grubby little hand " 'cause that's when you know you're" he brushed his finger over his neck. Basically signalling that you'll get killed.

"Right, ok then. I'll remember that. Thanks Armin. " I leaped up onto the roof again by jumping off of buckets and window ledges, then I began sprinting on the roof. Trying to pick up enough speed to jump over to the next roof.

I have to find that Levi boy. I have to speak to him.

As I was thinking this, my foot got caught on a loose bit of slate and I went flying through the air and landed heavily on the cold, grey slate.

Shit. I thought. This is just wasting time!!!

I got up and stood on the roof.
"Ow! Dammit!" I yelled, obviously very loudly, as the people around the house stared up and cursed at me for being there saying stuff like; what are you doing up there boy? And get down from there you rascal!!! And some people having the nerve to say kids these days....When I was a kid...blahblahblah..somehing about how they were more sensible. ..blahblah..and how I should be ashamed of myself.

I wasn't.

I was extremely proud to have more agility then those dicks would ever have.

I must've gotten very proud as I began to grin. A big toothy grin that spread from ear to ear.

Oi you little shit! Stop smiling and get over here and apologise!!!

Of course I wasn't going to, so I decided to reply to his comment.

"Go away you old dinosaur. You have never had the guts to actually take someone down and actions speak louder than words!! If you want me to come down, make me. I dare you!!".


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