Chapter 11 Light em up (Tenth Grade)

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Y/n's POV AGE: 15

(Play song)

I was the hall down to my locker listening to my favorite song light em up by Fall Out Boy. While I was listening to the song I saw something that surprised me .I saw some people getting bullied by my most closest friends Vanoss, Lui, Mini, Nogla, and DELIRIOUS!? Why would Delirious bully someone this doesn't seem right. I went up to Delirious and tapped on his shoulder and he ignored it so I tapped on his shoulder again this time he turned around and he punched me in the face when I looked up I something very different about Delirious he didn't have his sky blue eyes instead he had dark black eyes once he saw me I ran away from him I ran home, ran past  Mrs. Dennis  (AKA Del's Mom), all the way up to my room never wanting to see Del again.

Delirious' POV

the crew and I were bulling this new kid named Brian we gave him the nickname Terrorizer sometimes we call him Arnold because he can do a really good impression of the terminator. While we were bullying him my psycho laugh all of a sudden I black out until I hear a *PUNCH* before I could fully see I see Y/n with a red mark on her face and her mask cracked.

What have I done the girl I love and care for I just hit her. Once I fully could see she ran off before I could even speak or to say I'm sorry. When she ran I saw what we were doing to the Brian kid so I told Vanoss to knock it off he stopped after that I ran back home to try and apologize to Y/n I love her but after what she just saw what I did to her she probably didn't love me anymore, I screwed up.

Y/n's POV

When I got home I heard a door open and close the front door I knew for a fact that it was Del but I didn't want to see him so when he knocked on my door I stayed quite

"Y/n please let me in I need to talk to you." He sounded serious but instead I stayed quite "go away Jonathan I don't wanna talk to you."

I never called Del Jonathan before but I didn't wanna call him by his nickname. An hour had past so I decided to call my friend Tyler but I call him WILDCAT just a nickname he likes " Hey Y/n are you okay what's up?" he said sounding worried. I had told him everything that just happened at school. " Wait!? He did what, that's it I'm coming to get you, no one should treat you like this."  WILDCAT it's fine you don't need to come here." I say still a little hurt.

10 minutes later the doorbell rang and I saw Tyler at the doorway Del's mom had answered the door and said that it would be fine for me to go with Tyler once she said that I heard Delirious. " Say what Y/n is going with who?!" he sounded different then before like he was a totally different person...weird

" Johnathon listen Thank you for letting me stay with you for quite awhile now but I think I need to see other things and meet new people I hope you under stand goodbye." once I said my final words to him I turned around only to be grabbed by the wrist by Delirious " Y/n please stay I need you here I'm sorry for what I did to you I truly am please...don't leave.'' he started to tear up " I'm sorry...but, I can't...Goodbye." once he let go of my wrist I walked out the door towards Tyler. 

 When I got in Tyler's parents car I took off my mask to see crusted up blood on it and a crack. Maybe this is for the best I thought. I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked up to see Tyler with smile telling me to cheer up things will be better. I trust Tyler he is the only person I trust now.

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