Chapter 10

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June steps off the jet looking as stunning as always. Looking at her now reminds me of the first time I met her, minus the dirt on her face of corse. I suddenly lost the ability to breathe. Finally I remember. Finally the gap in my heart is filled. But as I study her face more carefully I realize somethings off. Behind her masked joy is nervous. June what happened? Pascao nor Tess seems to realize. Pascao whispers something in June's ear that makes her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. Pascao smirks. I look over at Tess who is checking a pretend watch. A signal for them to hurry up. I assume June sees it because she rolls her eyes and picks up her pace.
     When they finally reach us June walks into Tess's awaiting arms. They mumble a conversation during the hug. About me? I shake my head to rid the stupid thoughts. After they pull away Tess radiates nervousness. Could it have been about me? Does June suspect anything? Of corse she does. She one told me I couldn't lie to her, she'd see right through it.
"Hey June?" I say questingly. She turns in response to the sound of her name. "Would you like to go somewhere a little more private? I really need to talk to you" when I finish her face momentarily drops.
"Okay sure. Where to?" She asks her face morphing into one without expression. The tips of my lips curl up. Same old June.

Okay from now until we get there you need to keep your eyes closed. Got it?" She nods but hesitantly shuts her beautiful eyes.
"You know I need a guide now right?" I blush. Yet I don't know why, it's not like I haven't held a hand before. But this is June. She's different. Her hand lays straight out pointing to me. I grab it gently, encasing it in mine. I wonder if she can feel what I feel.
As we walk silence hangs in the air. Tess told me this part of town has been abandoned for eight years. The only sound is our footsteps splashing in puddles. "Are we near?" June asks after maybe three minutes. June would know the exact time.
"Almost, about ten yards left." I respond after seeing the old couch leaning against the wall. "Okay you can open your eyes now" I let her hand slip from mine so I could stand in front of her. Her eyes slowly flicker open. The words get frozen on my tung, how did I talk to her when I was 16? I did freeze up, I tell myself in my head. June looks around and gasps tears brimming her eyes.
     "Why are we here?" She asks scanning the, familiar area.
     "Where else would I go to tell you I remember but the place we shared our first kiss" I say in a whisper by her ear. She spins around fast almost hitting me in the face with her hair.
     "No," she says frantically "Day you can't. Someone-kill-you-die-no" she needs to calm down, so she can make coherent sentences. I grab her shoulders and shake her lightly.
     "June, hey," I smile at her "take a deep deep breath so I can understand what your trying to tell me. Can you do that?" She takes a deep breath and nods.
     "I had a dream, on the plane, that two people wanted to kill you. They shot you as close to the heart as they could without really killing you. Than an ambulance couldn't come fast enough. I actually thought you were going to die. I knew if you did than I took another persons life. I felt terrible, I was just going to leave you when you woke up and asked for me. Because I'm the terrible person I am I went in." At the end of her story her hands are covering her face. Not to shield it from physical but but more so for emotional pain. I run my hands down her arms and embrace her, in hopes it would make her feel better. Than I kiss the top of her head after seeing that my hug wasn't helping much.
      "June, we will be fine. If you agree to let there be a we" she lets out a breathy laugh but still shakes her head.
     "Day- I'm not sure. It's never seemed to work what if maybe-" I kiss her. On the lips to shut her up. I don't want her to finish her thought because I'm over the problems we had. I'm willing to start fresh. We've grown up and now all I want is her.
Her smile.
Her laugh.
Her brilliance.
Her love.
I never stopped loving June I just didn't know I loved her. She is beauty inside and out she is my light as I am for her. We make each other stronger.
"I had a dream," June says when I pull away, "because of me you almost got killed again. You told me you remembered and someone shot you. I can't have it happen in real life. I can't let you get hurt again. I still love you too much Day" her eyes welled up with tears but her voice didn't show it. I shake my head.
"Your cracked if you think A dream will hold us back. June I have a gun I've been in the Antarctic agency for 6 years. I'm safe and you are too, just let us be together again. And happy I might add." I say rubbing up and down June's arms in hopes to relax her. It works. June lets out a deep breath letting her stiff frame relax.
"Okay." I never thought one word would make me feel so good. That one word would help heal me. Now a few tears have slipped from her eyes. I wipe them away with my thumb and kiss the marks they made.
"I love you so much June" this makes a couple more fear slip. I assume, more like hope, they're tears of joy. I've never really seen June cry like this. I don't think many people do. In a way it's nice. June trusts me enough to cry.
"I love you too Day. I'm so sorry that I didn't say it enough before." I shake my head.
"Honestly I probably said it too early." June laughs.
"Never." We stare into each others eyes. Her brown eyes with gold flecks haven't changed. I can still see her brothers death and the war in them. I hate it. I wish Jameson died earlier so June didn't loose her brother, I didn't loose my mom, and our love didn't have to suffer. I don't want to look at her pain anymore. I can't. So I kiss her. This is the most passionate kiss we've had. We're both trying to erase our scars. I feel the tips of my lips curl up in a grin. I love this girl so much. Too much maybe but I don't care. We keep kissing even when our lungs are begging for air. We don't care.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait! I never wanted to put this story on hold but I felt so bad that you were waiting for an update. I feel like a terrible author for doing this to you. But here you go the Dune ship is sailing! Also 1,200 words on the dot! I wanted to do a little extra for you (my word goal is 1,000). Thank you Gus so much for sticking with me. I love you all for being patient!

Ps read the comment in the picture. Marie lu is the best.

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