It All Makes Sense

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"But what?" I squinted my eyes and folded my arms.

"Gimme one."

"Why?" I groaned.

"Cause I want one." He smiled.

"Bleh." I said as I sticked my tongue out.

"Bleh." He did the same and we laughed.

"I'm just jokin go head." He said as he snapped his fingers.

I woke up and selma jumped up.

"Huh? Oh what happened? The ball went foggy and that hasn't never happened before."

Shit. They didn't know what he said.

"Just him talking to me, well just getting to know him for what he really is that's all." I said as I sat down.

"Where's the other two?" I asked.

"Basically went to get the ball unfogged, I ain feel like goin I was too lazy. Jus jokin since I was right I get to do what I want." Selma saysas we laughed.

"Well I seen a bond between y'all, excuse me I meana few bonds." She says as she jumped her eyebrows.

"What? Oh not like that, I think he's trying to be nicer because he wants a child which is impossible and won't ever happen." I said as she chuckled.

"Nigga wanna child? Couldn't he ask Selene ass for one since they been dating for a while. But he wants one with 'you'." She says as she laughs.

"I don't know why he wants one with me still." I shrugged.

"Ha! He raped you for years and now wanna be nice and wanna have a child? Sum don sound right." She says as she drunk her a glass of wine.

"Since you say it, it really doesn't." I said.

"You need a glass on that one? Cause child, I'll drink the whole damn bottle. Nigga has the nerve." Selma says and I couldn't help but laugh.

"True but I don't see him like that still. Friend yeah but more than that no."

"Don't say that too loud or he'll over hear and prolly fuck you up in yo sleep for sayin the f word even though he wants to be the b word then h word." She whispers and we both laugh.

"I'm going to see what's been up with my sis."

"Oh her, well let's go see. I haven't been by her in a while." Selma says as she snaps her fingers and we appear in the house.

Patrica was cooking, August was in there helping her, as Andrew watched TV.

"Hey guys." Selma waved and Patrica and August jumped.

"Scared us." August says.

"Selma appears anywhere." My sister say.

"I do that cause I'm boss like that." She folded her arms and nodded her head.

"What brings you guys here?" August asks.

"Just waking up both of us and decided to see what's been up with the couple and their adorable child." I said and Andrew came ran to me.

"Hi Tete!" He waves as I pick him up.

"Hi you." I say as he giggles.

"Awe lookin like his mommy." Selma says as he giggles.

"Well luckily we need a babysitter as me and august go out tonight." Patrica says.

"We'll do it." I say.

"We'll do it." Selma say.

"Good." She smiled and August smiled.

"Operation babysit the child." Selma says and we laugh.

"It's true. Babysit the child became and operation, wait what am I even saying?" Selma scratches the back of her head.

"She had a few drinks but it'll last off when she-"


Selma passed out and we looked.

"When she does that." I said.

August put her on the couch and the two went out to go get ready.

Well I still wonder why Anthony would set his own brother up? This boy is filled with surprises. I wonder what else he has in stored....

I must be good keeping y'all in the suspense.🤗

Well what this twin is filled with next?🤔



Stay tuned for the next chapters....

Phantom Of Sexual Nightmares 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin