Our New Beginning

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Joey POV

"Get out!", my dad yelled, "and don't come back!"

"Dad please," I begged, " I have nowhere to go and no money!"

"You should have thought about that before you decided to become gay," he shouted while pushing me towards the door.

"I didn't decide, it was how I was born," I said, voice shaking due to the tears streaming down my face. But at that point, it was no use. He already slammed the door in my face. I heard the door lock switch and that meant he locked the door.

After my mother died when I was seven due to a overdose of alcohol and pills my dad has never been the same. He has been grumpy, mean, and verbally and physically abusive. It's stupid to think he would have had a positive reaction to me coming out to him. So now here I am. No home, no food, no water, no clothes, no money, and most of all, no family.

I start heading into the city of Boston since I live right outside of it. I stumble upon a empty park. I sit on the swing set and just look down at my feet. Oddly I stopped crying. I just felt numb, no emotion whatsoever. I decided to call my best friend since I was the age of four and he was the age of five, Daniel. I pulled out my phone from the pocket of my jeans. and dialed his number.


The last ring was coming up. I began to lose all hope of him answering. Suddenly I hear a voice speak up from the other end of the line.


"Um hi Daniel, it's Joey," I suddenly feel a wave of emotion hit me all at once. I felt like crying again but knew I had to keep it together for Daniel. He has always been overprotective about me and my emotions.

"Yeah I know, I saw the caller ID," I heard him giggle through the phone causing me to giggle as well.


"So what's up J, did you tell him?" Daniel is the only person that has understood and accepted me and what I was going through, considering that he is gay as well. I guess that's why we got along so well.

I suddenly felt round two of emotions and knew I couldn't keep the tears in much longer. "Yeah ," I told him, my voice lowering to a sad whisper.

"Oh my god, that's great!" He obviously did not pick up on my sadness. " What did he say?"

Um- he- uh-," I was cut off by the flood of tears that suddenly burst through my eyes.

"Joey? Are you crying?" He said now concerned.

"He k-kicked me o-out," I was having trouble speaking through my tears.

"He did what?!" He said in both shock and anger, "I'm coming to get you!"

"No!" I shouted through my tears. I couldn't let Daniel see me crying although he has seen me plenty of times.

"Where are yo-" I hung up before he could finish.

I dropped my phone on the park floor that was covered in mulch and dirt, not caring if it got ruined. I finally let go, allowing the tears to fall since the park was completely empty.

Around a minute later, I was bombarded with text from Daniel, "Where are you?" "Why are you ignoring me?" "Tell me where you are and I will help you!" "Please."

I decided to ignore them and silence my phone. Although Daniel understands what it's like to be gay, he doesn't understand what it's like to have a bad reaction. Both his mom and dad accepted him and showed him unconditional love. Since he is a year older than me, he graduated high school a year before than me. His senior year, my junior year, is when he came out of the closet to his parents and the year I came out to him, but he came out to me when a year before, when he was a junior and I was a sophomore.

One-Shots (Janiel) - @janielxtronnorWhere stories live. Discover now