Chapter Four

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Unbearably astonished was one thing that could describe the teenager at that part of time. Not only had his prayers been answered but a horrifying call followed along.


Instead of a new trial handed down by Bill, they headed straight for the punishment room. Where Dipper had no freedom and Bill could torture the teenager along with releasing his stress. The object for a way of relief and pleasure was what defined Dipper's purpose. Bill in his new red form lunged towards Dipper with most of his strength. Dipper gasped at the sudden impact towards his chest and head. Dipper was too far from the life that had been taken away from him and too close to death. Bill returned to his original yellow form to heal Dipper. Dipper bit his bottom lip, signaling that he wanted this to stop. Bill realized this and gave him the chance to run back to his cell, so he did.

When arriving back to somewhere he felt secure, he began to bang his fists forcefully on his thighs. The thoughts of denial and negativity swarmed his mind. "Weak! Powerless! Why can't you do anything right for once?!" He yelled, leaning his tired body against the hard brick wall. "Why is life so messed up..?" He would repeatedly ask himself, shaking his head countless times. Before being able to lay down comfortably, his thoughts were interrupted with a blackout.

"Pine... Tree... Pine tree..." Someone called out, the words getting louder and more clearer every single time, but Dipper gave no sign of recovery. "Dipper!" A voice called out louder than the other last times. Dipper fluttered his eyes open to mumble his sisters name. "Where am I, Mabel?.." The brunette questioned. His vision began to clear from the blurs. One single gigantic eye stared down at him. "Have you've forgotten already?" The demonic voice asked in a confusing tone. Dipper lifted his head up as soon as he recognized the features of the triangle. "Bill!?" Dipper yelled, backing away from him with fear in his eyes. Bill sighed "you finally remembered my name" he said, for a moment appearing in Mabel's clothing. "I'm not your sister! Geez kid" Bill said floating up into the air, her clothing transforming into his hat, tie, and cane again.

Dipper stared back at him in amazement as to why his mood seemed more bearable. Dipper shook the feeling away and stood up with a glare on his face. "Why are you here?" Dipper asked in a demanding voice. Bill raised his hands in a defensive way. "Oh Pine Tree, You're so forgetful" Bill stated with Dipper raising his brow. "If only you remembered the multiple times you yelled out my name, almost made me blush" Bill admitted, now beside Dipper with his cane wrapped around Dipper's shoulder. Dipper pushed him away as Bill tumbled from the rough shove. "Your so mean to me, Pine tree!" Bill said in a playful voice. Dipper rolled his eyes "look who's talki-" Dipper never did finish his sentence, recognizing the keys that hanged from Bills side. Dipper focused intently at the keys swinging back and forth as Bill moved. "What is it, Pine tree?" Bill asked, fixing his bow tie.

"N-nothing!" Dipper said, returning back into reality and away from his fantasy. "mmmmmMMMMMM.." Bill hummed in thought "I don't believe you, but okay I'll let you off the hook for now". Dipper, without thinking, jumped onto the floating dorito, pulling him down onto the ground. Bill's eye widened in shock and looked back at him with interest. "Oh ho ho, Pine tree! Never knew you were the dominant type" Bill announced along with Dipper blushing a bright red. "Your weird" Dipper stated about the other. "And when have you not been weird?" Bill asked and Dipper shrugged. "Fair point" Dipper lifted his body from off of Bill's (if you could even call it a body) after successfully distracting Bill, his mission was complete.

Bill followed his lead and narrowed his eye in a flirting manner. "Don't miss me too much" Bill said, slipping out of the cell. Bill came rushing right back "oh almost forgot, I love yoooou~" Bill left right after that as Dipper shook his words out of his head. 'I really hate him' he thought to himself while waiting a few minutes before everything felt out of danger.

Dipper quickly grabbed the keys that fell from Bill's side and opened the cell. He sneakily walked cluelessly, trying his best to find the entrance. After what seemed like someone's entire life had passed, he found the exit he was looking for. He opened the door to expose the gray entities of trees, grass, the sky, ect. He wasn't quite back into the real world but if only he was, happiness would be overflowing him at this very moment. Putting that aside, he began to run away from the tomb Bill dragged him in. After running for hours, Dipper had the feeling he was reaching the end to his exercise. Dipper pulled his exhausted body to the end, the white light engulfing him.

After seeing the Mystery Shack before him, a wide smile appeared on his face. "I.. I did it!" He exclaimed, relief in his eyes. "Hey love, how could you have left me like that?" A voice from behind seemed to be talking to Dipper. The brunette slowly turned his attention towards the man behind him. He was young, blond hair with one beautifully created eye and a triangular patch to cover the other. His outfit was a gold with a mix of white and black. He wore a hat that somehow was floating in the air as was he doing the same. He moved his cane behind Dipper's neck and pulled him towards him. A smirk was pasted on his face when looking at the other teenager. And as soon as Dipper realized the demon he escaped from was in front of him, he regretted calling him perfect.

Dipper tried to escape but Bill kept a firm grip on his wrist. "Any opinions on my new form?" He asked, leaning in closer to dipper. Dipper pulled himself back as far as he could, struggling from his grip.

This was the terror he had felt before, but this was ten times worse than before. Bill was the monster in the story and Dipper was the victim.

I know, finally Bill has received a body of his own instead of his dorito self. Though, I will miss it but honestly his human form is more attractive, or so Dipper thinks. Also I will be updating more often than what I usually do and the next chapter will not include Bill and Dipper as much but it'll be as exciting as the other chapters or so I hope. Also did anyone happen to see the new episode of SVTFOE? And one more thing, I was hoping you could check out my new book YaoisWorld [EDDSWORLD] but that's if you want to have to deal with my short one shots of Eddsworld.

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