6. Bad Moods Everyday

Start from the beginning

"Wow. That's awesome," I told her truthfully.

"I know. My dad is going to flip out," she says with excitment in her voice. "What color are you getting?"

"Oh, I'm not dying my hair. But you go ahead," I told her. She rolled her eyes a mumbled, "boring."

"Whatever. How much money did you bring?"

"Oh shoot! I forgot about the money!" I whisper shouted. "I only have ten dollars!" She thought for a moment.

"Well, it's a good thing this is a pay afterwards salon," she said. I gave her a weird look.

"Are you really that stupid? Here's what we'll do: I'll get my hair done and just say I'm paying. But say we need to pee really quick. Then, we'll both go to the bathroom and sneak out the window." She explained.

"Okay. But what if there isn't a window in the bathroom?" I asked, concerned.

"There is. I've been here before. Now, let's go!" She exclaimed.


Emma finally finished her hair and when she was asked to pay, she looked at me.

"I need to pee first, Emma, come on," I said and tugged on her arm. We got into the bathroom and sure enough, there was a window that we could easily slide through.

"You go first," she said.

"Okay," I responded. I slide the window up and knocked the screen out. I slid through and helped Emma follow me out. Then I closed the window as far as I could and we started running towards my house.

"That was fun! Free hair color," I said and winked.

"Yeah it was! Okay. Same time tomorrow?" She asked.

"Sure. If they didn't notice I was gone," I replied, laughing and walking home.

I climbed back through my window and threw on some pajamas. I checked the time, it reading 5:56 pm. Then, I unlocked the door.

I sat on the bed for a little while until Tyler knocked on the door.

"Cmon. Dinner is done," Tyler said, and I groaned and rolled my eyes.

I walked downstairs and sat down at the table, glaring at the food.

"Lillie. At least eat the salad. Come on," Tyler said.

"Yeah," Josh mumbled. He seemed angry.

"Josh? What's wrong?" I asked him, noticing his uneasiness.

"Nothing. I'm not hungry. I'm going upstairs," He said coldly.

"What was that about?" I asked Tyler as Josh walked upstairs.

"I don't know. But I'm sure gonna find out," He said, getting up and almost running upstairs.

"Well, that means I can skip dinner too!" I said excitedly. I walked upstairs and put on some workout clothes.

I grabbed a water bottle and told Tyler I was going for a run and that I'd be back in an hour, and he just nodded and went back to Josh.

"Jeez," I said walking out. It was colder than normal outside. I walked to the park, sad that my friend wasn't there. I tried to entertain myself but it didn't work.

"This is so boring. I'm going home."

I walked home, and gasped. The living room was a mess, as the cushions were on the floor and crooked, and the pillows were everywhere, and the coffee table was flipped.

I walked into the dining room/kitchen to see if it was messed up, and it was only a little. I heard yelling upstairs, and I cautiously walked up the stairs. The yelling got louder the more I walked towards Josh's room.

"G-guys?" I whispered.

"Maybe you should do the songs! I do enough already!" Tyler yelled.

"Well maybe I will! I feel like I should do something besides drums! You do the piano, guitar, and singing! Maybe sometimes I want to, even if it's just for practice! But no, I'm only good for drums!" Josh yelled back.

They continued arguing, and I just went to my room and locked the door. I could tell Josh had been drinking my his movements, and Tyler probably had one or two drinks as well.

I just decided to ignore it and go to bed, as I have had experience with drunk people, and it's best to just leave them alone.

I got into my pajamas and went to bed, dreaming of black.

(A/N) Hey guys! Sorry I took so long to update, but I've been busy as I have a family reunion this weekend, and I'm going camping directly after, so I'm so sorry!!!

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