The Spy Factor

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Mr. Siddique looked visibly pleased today as he walked towards Ankit's office. After all, his hard work was taking some shape finally. The 1300 Crore deal for building the power plant for Synogeneration Company was finally closing in, and Zenith Corporations was the front runners to get this project. Synogeneration would be their esteemed client. Mr.Siddique also thought about the fat commission he would get once they would finally sign the Letter of Intent. All in all, everything was working particularly fine these days. Only the sign from the young director and things would be done from their end.

As he entered the office of Ankit, he could immediately sense a sign of gloom. He twitched his nose as if he could smell the gloom. He did not like it. He looked at Ankit's desk, where he was sitting with a newspaper glued to his face

Mr. Siddique made a noise as if he had to clear his throat. "Errm....Sir, if I may....."

The newspaper slowly moved down and Mr.Siddique could see that Ankit was contorted as if he was in a lot of pain. His nostrils were flared and his face was red like a tomato.

"Sir, is there something wrong? What is causing this much of anguish in you?" Mr. Siddique looked perturbed. He did not want the young lad to be in such a state when he was to announce such good news for the company not to mention especially for him.

"Look at this photo, Siddique." Ankit said, thrusting the newspaper to Mr.Siddique's face. Mr. Siddique took the news paper as calmly as he could and he browsed through the paper.

"What is it sir?" Mr. Siddique asked calmly.

"Look at the page three, Mr.Siddique." Ankit said. He waved his hand indicating the newspaper.

Siddique turned to page three and what he saw pleased him to no extent.

"But sir.." Mr.Siddique said as softly as he could, "This is a good photo. It shows that you are quite social and well known among big bollywood celebrities. You look fantastic in this picture. I must say the choice....."

"I did not visit any such night club and I do not know any bollywood celebrity, especially that actress. That photo is fake." Ankit said with burying his face in between his hands.

"Sir, this is nothing to be dejected about. Furthermore this would be good for the company. Good positive publicity. More people would know about us."

"So I have been told. So I have been told." Ankit sighed.

"Sir, if I may say something to you." Mr.Siddique said in his dream like voice.


"Take one for the team, sir." Said Mr. Siddique.

Ankit looked dejected but he couldn't do anything about it. He gave out a long deep sigh, he shook his head and thought it was best that he moved on.

'What many things he has to do to for the company.' Ankit thought.

"What did you want to say Mr.Siddique, when you came in?" Ankit said.

"Sir, its about the Magma Projects. I have talked with them on an unofficial basis and they have informed that we are the front runners in getting the project. It will be massive project for our company."

"What about our rivals? That...Significo company, what about them?"

"They are in second place. We are in L1 schedule. And they are far too behind us in case of a techno-commercial bid. I really don't think that they would pose us any problem." Mr. Siddique said confidently.

"Allright then, that's good news." Ankit said. "This calls for celebrations."

"Absolutely sir. I feel particularly happy today." Mr.Siddique said raising his head as if he was trying to see above some tall imaginary wall.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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